The Universe: ASTRONOMY

Discovery Space: ASTRONOMY

The magnificent, starry sky has always inspired the human imagination.

A growing understanding of geography, mathematics, and physics over the millennia has ensured that astronomy has never lost its ability to help us explore new realms of the unknown.

Today, modern technology continues to drive this age-old cosmic search.

From the beginnings of astronomy

The mere observation of celestial bodies made it possible to make calculations based on calendars and navigation. With the dawn of modern physics, the first verifiable explanatory models for cosmic events were developed.

People in the ancient civilizations of Egypt, Babylonia, China, and in Middle America were already making systematic observations of celestial events in the fourth millennium B.C. Thus, they were able to create calendars and predict eclipses of the sun and moon. They also tried to use the stars to identify and understand the influence of the gods on their own fate.

The ancient Greeks-heirs of Babylonian knowledge—continued to develop these observations in order to seek, above all, the causes for celestial events. The Greeks already knew not only that the Earth was a sphere, but also its approximate circumference, and could determine the distances and sizes of the sun and moon. Nevertheless, a heliocentric worldview, in which the sun is central, did not achieve acceptance.

Instead, the Earth remained the central point of reference. The movements of planets were explained by assuming they moved in small circles, so-called epicycles. In turn, these circular movements were incorporated into their respective orbits around the Earth. In approximately A.D. 150, Ptolemy provided a comprehensive description of this epicycle theory in his manual called the Almagest.

The road to modern astronomy

In the 15th century, more exact measurements of the planets’ orbits identified inaccuracies in the epicycle theory. For this reason, in the 16th century Nicolaus Copernicus began advocating the heliocentric worldview. Tycho Brahe made further measurements, which Johannes Kepler used to recalculate the planets’ orbits. He was able to prove that the planets move in elliptical
orbits around the sun.

The heliocentric worldview was further supported around this time by observations made with the recently invented telescope. In the 17th century, Isaac Newton set down the theoretical foundations for modern physics. His law of gravity also provided a scientific explanation for the elliptical orbits calculated by Kepler. A great deal of work by other researchers followed these developments, including work regarding the speed of light, the distance to the sun and the radius of the Earth.

During the 19th century, Joseph von Fraunhofer discovered the spectral lines in the spectrum of sunlight. Building on this finding, Gustav Robert Kirchhoff and Robert Wilhelm Bunsen established spectral analysis. For the very first time, scientists could investigate the chemical and physical characteristics of stars and other celestial bodies. In the 20th century, Hans Albrecht Bethe and Carl Friedrich von Weizsacker explained that nuclear fusion provides a source of energy for stars. Physical theories regarding the formation and development of the universe were articulated.


The astrolabe was once an astronomer’s most important instrument, used to calculate the positions of the stars and represent them in two dimensions It was often made of brass, with rotating disks, degree scales, pointers, and a sight rule.

It was replaced by more precise instruments and methods during the course of the 16th century.

Astronomy today

Highly technical measuring instruments, sophisticated observation procedures, physical models, and mathematical simulations have all had an impact on modern astronomy. Space travel also offers significant support.

Light radiated by celestial bodies still serves as the foundation for astronomy. In earlier times, astronomers were limited to studying visible light. Today, modern technology has substantially widened the spectrum to include particle radiation, radio signals, infrared, ultraviolet, x-ray, and gamma radiation. Other branches of natural science, such as mathematics and physics, are closely linked with modern astronomy.

Subdivisions of astronomy

The classical subdivisions of astronomy are astrometry and celestial mechanics, which are mainly concerned with measuring and calculating the positions and orbits of celestial bodies. Astrophysics examines their characteristics, such as the strength of their magnetic fields, temperatures, densities, and compositions. In particular, it concentrates on their formation and development. Cosmology looks at the formation and development of the universe as a whole.

Astronomical instruments

Astronomical instruments are necessarily varied in form. Enormous radio telescopes are used to intercept radio signals from space, and their receiving capacity can be combined to simulate an even better resolution. Radar technology is used to study meteorites or other objects in the solar system, even visual light from celestial bodies can be detected with sophisticated telescopes by using adaptive lenses that compensate for atmospheric disturbances and provide high-definition images.

The majority of radiation that comes from space is blocked by the Earth’s atmosphere. However, balloons, aircraft, and rockets all offer new possibilities for high altitude observations. Developments in space travel mean specialized instruments and telescopes can even be taken into space. Beyond Earth’s atmospheric disturbance, these instruments record magnetic fields, particles, and radiation from celestial bodies. They are not limited to orbiting the Earth, some orbit the sun, other planets, or even asteroids; others traverse the solar system.


Space telescopes have their own power supply, position control, and scientific instruments Depending on the application, these instruments may include a highly sensitive or wide angle camera, a spectrograph, and devices to filter or measure radiation intensity.

High power radiation requires specialized telescopes For exam pie, x-ray telescopes use a mirror system, aligned so that radiation is not absorbed, but rather glances off the surfaces.