See the "buried belly button" of former US presidents

US Presidents come from very different backgrounds. Some people are born into full and rich families, others have a more difficult life.

The same is the most important figure of American politics during his tenure, but each former US President has a completely different career path. Not only that, even the circumstances of their lives are so contrastingly different. Many former Presidents like Lincoln or Polk were born in simple wooden houses, while others like Madison or Roosevelt were more fortunate to have rich families and grew up in “mansion” apartments.

Some of the old homes of former US presidents are now also attractive attractions for history enthusiasts.

See the "buried belly button" of former US presidents
Replica of Washington’s childhood home.

America’s first president grew up on a farm in Virginia. He stayed there until he was 6 years old. The house was later restored to be a copy of the original house.

See the "buried belly button" of former US presidents

The 4th President of the United States was born in a large plantation house named Mount Pleasant. It was later expanded and renamed Montpelier, located in Orange County, Virginia. He was the eldest son in a wealthy family.

See the "buried belly button" of former US presidents

The legendary President of the United States had a childhood attached to a simple, modest wooden house in Louisville, Kentucky.

See the "buried belly button" of former US presidents

Roosevelt was not born in the countryside like many of his predecessors. On the contrary, his childhood was associated with a townhouse in New York. This townhouse is located at 28 East 20th Street and is now a museum.

See the "buried belly button" of former US presidents

Virginia is undeniably the state that has produced the most presidents for the United States. Woodrow Wilson was born in Virginia, a countryman of many of his predecessors. His home still exists and is located in Coalter Street, Staunton.

See the "buried belly button" of former US presidents

The 31st US President’s childhood home is also quite modest, including 2 bedrooms in rural Iowa. He lived here with his parents and siblings until the age of 3.

See the "buried belly button" of former US presidents

FDR was born into the wealthiest and most prominent family in New York, owning a home named Springwood in Hyde Park. This is also where he was buried after his death.

See the "buried belly button" of former US presidents

Jimmy Carter’s family moved to a farm with no indoor plumbing or electricity in Plains, Georgia, when he was 4 years old. Carter helped the family harvest and sell cotton, peanuts, sugar cane, and corn until 1941, when he went to college.

See the "buried belly button" of former US presidents

Barack Obama’s childhood home in Honolulu, Hawaii, sells for .8 million (VND 42.5 billion) in 2021. He lived in a 200-square-foot home from 1964 to 1967 (3-6 years old). ).

See the "buried belly button" of former US presidents

Donald Trump grew up in Queens, New York and moved into this brick house when he was 4 years old. The 23-room house was his residence until he was 13 years old and attended a military boarding school.