The most terrifying and mysterious legend bridges in the world

Here are the mysterious bridges covered in myths and legends around the world.

The most terrifying and mysterious legend bridges in the world
Two-story bridge made of tree roots in India
. In one of the wettest places on earth, people don’t build bridges, they let them grow. The bridge is created from the roots of the red banyan tree, the local Khasi people help them grow in the direction across the river. The banyan root is constantly growing, some segments have existed for more than 500 years.

The most terrifying and mysterious legend bridges in the world
Las Lajas Basilica Bridge in Colombia.
According to legend, there is a cave that locals believe to be haunted, but in 1754, the Virgin Mary appeared to a poor Indian woman and her deaf and mute daughter. The Mother of God not only healed the little girl but also brought her back to life when she suddenly fell ill and died.

The most terrifying and mysterious legend bridges in the world
Bridge over Multnomah Falls in Columbia Gorge, Oregon, USA.
According to the ancient legend of the Multnomah Indians, the waterfall appeared after a young woman sacrificed herself to the Gods to save the village from plague by jumping off a high cliff. After her death, water gushed out from the cliff and formed a waterfall.

The most terrifying and mysterious legend bridges in the world
Devil’s Bridge in Martorell, Catalonia, Spain.
According to legend, this bridge was built by the devil at the request of a girl who desperately crossed the river on a wobbly log and promised to give her soul to the devil if the bridge was built overnight.

The most terrifying and mysterious legend bridges in the world
Glenfinnan Viaduct in Scotland.
This railway bridge is depicted in “Harry Potter”. This fact has created a mystery, local people create legends about the wonderful impact of the bridge on the chosen people. After crossing the bridge, those who the bridge deems worthy will have miraculous opportunities.

The most terrifying and mysterious legend bridges in the world
Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, California
. The “Golden Gate” nicknamed the “Bridge of Death” was built in 1937 and immediately resembles a magnet that attracts people who want to die.

The most terrifying and mysterious legend bridges in the world
Rakotzbrücke or Devil’s Bridge in Germany.
For more than a century, this ideal semicircular structure created from basalt columns has amazed people, giving rise to mystical and enchanting legends.

The most terrifying and mysterious legend bridges in the world
Liteiny Bridge in Saint Petersburg
. It is said that in ancient times there was a “werewolf bridge” in its place. According to legend, on moonless nights, black whirlpools appear here, immediately sucking down those who walk across the river, and no one sees them anymore.

The most terrifying and mysterious legend bridges in the world
Devil’s Bridge in Tarragona, Spain.
It is said that the devil himself built this bridge, it claimed to take the soul of the first person to drink the river water and cross the bridge. The foreman and the workers deceived the devil by, after completing the construction, they put the donkey on the bridge first, it became a victim of the barter.

The most terrifying and mysterious legend bridges in the world
The bridge of lies in Romania
. According to legend, this nickname was the result of a pun. Originally, the pedestrian walkway was built on stilts and in German it was called Liegenbrücke – “bridge to go down”. This word is homophonous with Lügenbrücke – “request for lies”. Another myth says that if someone crosses the bridge and lies, the bridge will immediately collapse.

The most terrifying and mysterious legend bridges in the world
Girl on Luzhkov Bridge (also called Tretyakovsok Bridge) in Moscow.
In Moscow there is a special “love bridge”. According to legend, newlyweds and lovers often come here to protect their feelings with the help of “love locks”.

The most terrifying and mysterious legend bridges in the world
Rostokinsky aqueduct in Moscow
. It is considered the oldest surviving bridge in the Russian capital, built in the 18th century to supply water to Moscow. The aqueduct is nicknamed “The Bridge of Millions”. The reason the bridge is so named is not in the number of builders, nor in the volume of cubic meters of water, but because the city spent 1.5 million Royal rubles to build this bridge.

The most terrifying and mysterious legend bridges in the world
Crimean Bridge in Moscow.
One of the famous urban legends in Moscow is the legend of the golden stud on the Crimean Bridge. According to legend, that piece of gold was installed by Stalin himself when the construction of the bridge was completed.

The most terrifying and mysterious legend bridges in the world
Devil’s Bridge in Bulgaria.
There is a legend about why the bridge was given such a scary name, some say that a demon face is depicted inside the bridge, some say that the bridge’s solidity is the result of the sacrifice of ants. The architect has placed his lover’s silhouette in the bridge structure. The most popular myth, the architect of the bridge dealt with evil spirits so that the stormy waters of the Arda River did not destroy the passage.

The most terrifying and mysterious legend bridges in the world
Charles Bridge in Prague, Czech Republic.
According to legend, the ghost of an old demon who befriended the ancient Prague potters still lurks under the bridge’s fourth arch. According to a positive belief, you can improve your financial situation by crossing this bridge.