Shivering "murder collar" kills men in the blink of an eye

In the 19th century, men in England preferred the use of detachable collars. However, they become “murder collars” when they can kill the wearer.

Many peculiar, even dangerous movements prevailed in Great Britain during the 19th century. Among these was the use of “murder collars”.

Shivering "murder collar" kills men in the blink of an eye
These collars can block blood flow, cause brain abscesses or even suffocate.

Men in England at that time were very fond of this detachable collar. Accordingly, when going out or attending events, one can easily see special accessories for men’s shirts. This detachable collar features a design that wraps snugly around a man’s neck.

These collars are very stiff and tall. This is also the reason they can block blood flow, cause brain abscess or even suffocate . Accordingly, the detachable collar accidentally becomes a dangerous murder weapon. They can kill a man while eating. If the collar is not removed in time, the wearer can suffocate and die.

The most famous case recorded by the New York Times occurred in 1888. At that time, a man named John Cruetzi was found dead in a park.

According to the police investigation, John Cruetzi was drunk and sat on a park bench before falling asleep. At that time, John Cruetzi’s head fell, causing the detachable collar to suffocate the neck, causing this person to die of asphyxiation. Before the deaths because of the detachable collar, this dangerous and deadly trend gradually disappeared from society.