24 interesting facts about France

Did you know, the name of France in English is France and comes from the word Franks, meaning “freedom”.

France is one of the world’s top tourist destinations with a lot of interesting things about culture and cuisine that you may not know.

24 interesting facts about France
“Freedom, justice, solidarity” is the national motto of France.

24 interesting facts about France
Baguette is a street food that is loved by many people. It is also known as the “addictive French stick”.

24 interesting facts about France
Nowadays, many photos taken with a mobile phone are just as beautiful as those taken from a camera.

24 interesting facts about France
The 2014 Nobel Prize in Literature was awarded to French writer Patrick Modiano. This is the country’s 15th Christmas Literature Prize.

24 interesting facts about France
And they became a feature of this country.

24 interesting facts about France
In which Camembert cheese is known as the cheese king of France.

24 interesting facts about France
French cuisine has always been highly regarded around the world, so it’s not surprising that there are so many books on French cuisine.

24 interesting facts about France
This cake is extremely popular and loved in France. A croissant and a cup of coffee are many people’s favorite breakfasts.

24 interesting facts about France
Because of this special shape, France has borders with many countries such as Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Monaco, Andorra and Spain.

24 interesting facts about France
Thus, the area of France is almost 20% of the area of the European Union.

24 interesting facts about France
A series of tourist attractions such as the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre museum, and beautiful beaches are the reasons why so many tourists come to France.

24 interesting facts about France
The beautiful beaches of France always attract a lot of tourists.

24 interesting facts about France
French was the main language in England for about 300 years from 1066 to 1362. However, in reality, only the aristocracy in England spoke French, while the vast majority of the population still used ordinary English.

24 interesting facts about France
This toasted bread is simple to make, yet very nutritious and delicious.

24 interesting facts about France
This is also the largest bicycle race in the world.

24 interesting facts about France
This is to protect the emblem of Paris from rust.

24 interesting facts about France
It was a surprise to learn that the famous plaid dress of Scottish men originated in France.

24 interesting facts about France
In the current collection of the Louvre museum, there are some of the most famous works of art history, such as the Statue of Venus, the Mona Lisa painting…

24 interesting facts about France
This image is romantic but it is banned in France.

24 interesting facts about France
The French prepare a lot of dishes from snails, including snails with garlic butter.

24 interesting facts about France
Marry the dead. This may sound a bit ridiculous, but according to French law, you can actually marry someone who is dead. Provided that you can prove that the deceased intended to marry you while alive, and that you receive the approval of the President of France.

24 interesting facts about France
Owns the highest mountain in Europe. Mont Blanc mountain range with a height of 4,810m is considered the roof of Europe. There are two ways to get to the top of the mountain that you can choose from. If you are adventurous then you can climb the mountain on your own and will have to overcome a challenging time of 10 to 12 hours. If you want to leisurely enjoy the splendor of Mont Blanc, just spend 20 minutes on the cable car, which will take you straight to the top of the Aiguille du Midi mountain in this mountain range.

24 interesting facts about France
Home to the world’s first animal cemetery. The law prohibiting the burying and indiscriminate disposal of animal carcasses in 1899 was the cause of the creation of the world’s first animal cemetery. The people who built this burial ground are journalist Marguerite Durant and lawyer Georges Harmois. This place is not only the final resting place of dogs and cats, but also many other animals.

24 interesting facts about France
Waste food is not allowed to be destroyed. France was the first country in the world to ban supermarkets from discarding or destroying unsold food. Starting February 2016, stores must donate food backlogs to food banks or charities. This not only solves the problem of food backlog, but also helps many others.