Being part of the minority is going to get you in a lot of trouble. But in return, you are special than the average person in many things.
All around us, bet you meet very few left-handed people. Even if you know dozens of left-handed people, compared to the total number of people you know, that number is nothing. Simply because, the number of left-handed people in the world only accounts for a total of 10% of the population.
Being in the minority will of course face many inconveniences in life, because everything is designed for right-handed people. For example, writing – most languages are written from left to right, making it difficult for left-handed people to write properly.
But why are some people left-handed? What created this “minority”? Everything has an explanation, and it turns out that left-handed people are more special than we thought.
Overall, this question still has no official conclusion. It may be due to genes, due to the environment, due to many factors… But according to scientists, there are still some theories up to now that are relatively reasonable.
According to a 2008 study by the University of Medical Center (Netherlands), the position of the newborn at birth seems to be related to the baby’s dominant hand.
Specifically, babies who lie on their side for most of their pregnancy produce an excitatory response on one side of the brain, which in turn reduces the likelihood of being right-handed.
An interesting theory from the University of St. Olav in 2011, that ultrasound can partially affect the brain of an infant. If the ultrasound is done regularly, there is a high chance that the baby will be born left-handed.
There are at least four studies that concur that if the mother secretes a lot of estrogen during pregnancy (whether natural or not), the baby is also born with a very high rate of left-handedness.
In fact, estrogen supplements were very popular between 1940 and 1971. Researchers later concluded that estrogen had an impact on several brain development processes in children, including: the formation of the baby’s dominant hand.
Humans are a social species, and such a species tends to lean in a general direction. In this case, our society chooses to be right-handed as the general trend.
Being a minority has many disadvantages. However, left-handed people turn out to possess a lot of special features that are worthy of all envy.
This is not a rumor, but there are even studies that confirm that left-handed people have a lower accident rate than right-handed people. The steering speed is also faster, and the handling success rate is also much higher.
But of course, also understand that the number of right-handed people is definitely higher, so the accident rate must also be more frequent.
According to a study from the University of Toledo (USA) in 2001, left-handed people have better memory skills, especially when it comes to events.
In the experiment, 62 people were asked to watch 55 words appear on a screen, then write them down on paper. As a result, left-handed people proved to be superior.
Left-handed people are often very good at thinking outside the box. On the same problem, they can offer many different approaches, so they are very dominant in the creative field.
Statistics show that in both sexes, left-handed people are somewhat more dominant than the general population when playing sports – including sports such as baseball, table tennis, cricket…
These are all subjects that require quick reactions, which left-handed people have plenty of.