In the US, there is a 120-meter-high stone pillar that "wobbles" in the face of earthquakes and high winds

Scientists at the University of Utah became the first research team to publish a report measuring seismic activity around a strange rock column located in a nature park near the town of Moab, so special that there is a proper name: Castleton Tower.

This rock mass vibrates at two different frequencies, which means it can stand up to a mild or mid-range earthquake. The way the Utah team of scientists studied Castleton Tower could also be applied to other natural rock structures, to determine what they will look like when seismic activity occurs.

In the US, there is a 120-meter-high stone pillar that "wobbles" in the face of earthquakes and high winds
This rock mass vibrates at two different frequencies, which means it can withstand a mild earthquake.

We still consider particular topographical areas to be an obvious part of the landscape, but in reality, they are constantly moving and evolving ,” said study co-author Riley Finnegan. “ Since nothing is completely static, and there is always energy traveling through the soil, we will have a source that causes this rock structure to vibrate continuously .”

The team also considers “digital transformation” of their studies: they have a website dedicated to recording seismic activity and natural vibrations in the Utah area. This research site is special because of the red rock formations about 16km from the town of Moab. Those rocks can be bent, pushed and shaken by the effects of strong winds, earthquakes, pressure caused by the difference in temperature inside and outside the rock, even, initial observations. suggested that local vehicles could also cause vibrations that affect rocks in the area. If the vibration frequency is within a certain range, the energy affecting the ancient stones will be multiplied many times.

If we understand the factors that cause vibration, we can predict what will happen to the stone in specific cases. We spend a lot of time researching man-made buildings, but we forget that nature can offer many valuable lessons in design as well as in material science: studying Castleton Tower can give us a tower. hundred storeys solid against the wrath of nature.

In the US, there is a 120-meter-high stone pillar that "wobbles" in the face of earthquakes and high winds
Those rocks can be bent, pushed and shaken by the effects of strong winds, earthquakes…

The topography of this area is the biggest obstacle preventing scientists from measuring the seismic situation. The two main reasons are that the local government restricts access to the site to preserve the area, and the area itself is too difficult to climb in to place sensors. All these difficulties make the new research even more valuable: until now, science has only witnessed the vibrations emanating from the 120-meter-high Castleton Tower.

A few years ago, these metrics didn’t exist ,” co-author Jeff Moore and lead study author, told Ars Technica. “ Every number that comes back is something new .”

Moore, Finnegan and their colleagues collected data from two seasoned mountaineers. They were able to climb the tower and put sensors on the key points: one at the base of the Tower and one at the top of the Tower. The two climbers sat next to the measuring device for three hours before returning to the research team.

In the US, there is a 120-meter-high stone pillar that "wobbles" in the face of earthquakes and high winds
Castleton Tower seen from above.

From previous experiments, the Utah team of scientists knew that large natural structures, such as Castleton Tower, can vibrate at a very different frequency than small stone pillars, in no different way. We distinguish the sound that comes from two thick and thin guitar strings. Analyzing the frequencies emitted by Castleton Tower, they found two peaks of 0.8 and 1 Hz, indicating that this tall structure will be very sensitive to earthquakes, which are very rare in the Utah area.

Small vibrations, such as passing vehicles or tremors from construction sites, are unlikely to cause Castleton Tower to “shake”. However, according to researcher Moore: ” Although the anthropogenic effect is very small, our study shows that human activity has accelerated the erosion of this large rock structure .”

Research done on Castleton Tower can be applied to other natural stone structures, simply changing the height, rock thickness and texture data. The “general formula” will help science keep track of the integrity of any natural structure.