6 secret taboos of the bodyguard profession in ancient China

Bodyguarding was a fairly common profession in ancient China. The person who works as a bodyguard is called a monk. Their mission is to protect the assets of traders. Due to inconvenient traffic, goods transported on the road are often ambushed by bandits, directly threatening the safety of property and the lives of other traders. Since then, the insurance profession has been born to serve and ensure the safety of traders.

The profession of insurance also has taboos like other professions. The concept of “The Six Realms” or the “Six Great Taboos” in the world of gurus originated in the Kangxi era. These are regulations on the practice of bodyguards, in addition to the purpose of creating binding for the target, mainly to protect the safety of the target. In other words, these 6 taboos are the safety principles of the security profession.

So what do those 6 taboos include?

6 secret taboos of the bodyguard profession in ancient China
The masters chose only familiar old inns. (Illustration).

The monks on the go on the street, escorting money or people to other provinces, on the way inevitably had to find accommodation. The masters chose only familiar old inns. Before entering the inn, the master will meet the innkeeper, then look at the terrain and check the front yard, back yard, check the floors, such as how many rooms, how high the walls, how many people can live , is there a secret room or not, is there a secret passage, is there a back door or not…. After researching carefully, the new teacher confidently entered the inn, assigned a shift, just a small movement can act.

Many times back and forth, the end and these inns will become familiar.

But if it’s a new inn, above it is marked with the sign “Opening a career with sand” or “Mai forever hung long”, then the teacher is absolutely not allowed to enter. Because the new inns are difficult to guess, or trace the origin, do not know the background of the employees in them, do not know if they have a conspiracy.

The usual business is tracing children down through generations. Of course, it is inevitable that the inn fails to do business and has to change owners. But for the most part, if there’s no element of war or disaster, it’s normal for an inn to last for decades.

An inn suddenly changed owners, possibly due to an attack by thieves, killed the previous owner, and replaced it by himself. This is a common occurrence in ancient times as well. Therefore, such inns absolutely do not choose.

6 secret taboos of the bodyguard profession in ancient China
This type of inn should absolutely be avoided. (Illustration).

In ancient times, some inns housed prostitutes, or some inns were originally opened by prostitutes. This type of inn should absolutely be avoided. If staying in these inns, besides having to worry about the shady passersby, the monk must also resist the temptation from the prostitutes. Sometimes it can be the scheme of the bad guy, if you are not careful, you will lose the plan.

In addition to the purpose of self-defense, the weapon is also a symbol of the identity of a dart. Whether it’s a knife or a sword, these weapons are with the masters every day and become their friends. In times of danger, these weapons become “protective measures” to save the lion’s life. When facing thieves on the street, often the masters will first use “courtesy” to submit to them, not rush to use “wu”. If the other party accepts the money, it is possible that the master and they can still be friends later. But if the opponent is a violent person, determined not to let the bodyguards pass, at this time the master must use “wu”. Therefore, the weapon is an inseparable object of the master.

6 secret taboos of the bodyguard profession in ancient China
When eating or sleeping, the lion masters have to take turns on duty. (Illustration).

Customers come to the destination to ask for an escort to ensure the safety of objects or people. Once the order has been received by the agent, it must be ensured that the person or item is delivered to the correct destination. On the transporter, whether it is water or land, the object cannot leave the master for a moment. When eating or sleeping, the lion masters have to take turns on duty. Because once distracted, the object will be stolen by thieves. If the property is lost, or the person being escorted is injured or harmed, in addition to having to pay compensation, it will also be sued, reputation may be lost, or even dissolved.

Do not ignore any doubts. The masters not only require high-powered martial arts, but also require sharp eyes and ears, seeing and listening in six directions and eight directions. Just move a blade of grass, they must be highly concentrated, as long as they detect a question, they must not be ignored immediately. Bodyguard accidents are often caused by the master disregarding doubts or acting lazy.

As can be seen, the profession of bodyguard is not only a manual labor profession, but also requires intellectual labor. This is not an easy job, and becoming a monk is not an easy thing.