4 most mysterious lakes in the world: Some are dreamy and poetic, others contain hundreds of human skeletons

What can a lake have other than water, fish and algae? As it turns out, there are many lakes that still contain very mysterious things.

They defy all logic, take us from excitement to awe, and above all, curiosity before its bewildering mystery.

The speciality of Lake Taal (Philippines) lies in its topography. Lake Taal is the largest lake in the world , surrounding a volcanic island (Volcanic Island or Mount Taal). The island in turn surrounds a smaller lake. Therefore, it is possible to call Taal a lake within another lake.

The scenic spots found in the Philippines always hold their own mysterious things – something that arouses curiosity in people by anecdotes told for countless generations.

4 most mysterious lakes in the world: Some are dreamy and poetic, others contain hundreds of human skeletons
Location of Taal Lake.

The legend of Taal Lake is again associated with a man of the same name, Lakan Taal, who was elected mayor of Taygaytay town. He ordered everyone in the town not to set foot on the distant mountain he pointed out to them, which was a place with an extremely rich source of life. His reputation made no one dare to disobey orders until one fine day, he disappeared. The villagers couldn’t find him and had to risk going up the forbidden mountain to find him. There, they met a pit full of precious diamonds and pearls.

While they were vying for the treasure they had just found, Taal appeared disappointed at the sad prospect. In rage, Taal prayed for disaster to befall his greedy people. Suddenly the sky turned gray, thunder and violent earthquakes, lava spewed out, killing every remaining human life. Then the water from the bottom of the lake surged up, washing away all the ruins into the deep water. From then on, this mountain became known as Taal Mountain.

Just like in fairy tales, the water of Lake Hillier is as pink as a strawberry milkshake. And scientists have found a reason.

4 most mysterious lakes in the world: Some are dreamy and poetic, others contain hundreds of human skeletons
Lake Hillier’s water is as pink as a strawberry-flavored milkshake.

That’s thanks to a microalgae called Dunaliella Salina that lives in the lake water. This algae generates its own energy by absorbing all wavelengths of light, but except red and orange.

In addition, the carotenoid pigments (e.g. beta carotene found in carrots) that they produce are also responsible for the pink color of the lake water.

4 most mysterious lakes in the world: Some are dreamy and poetic, others contain hundreds of human skeletons
Lake Hillier water is completely safe to bathe without harming the skin.

Despite its strange color, the water of Lake Hillier is completely safe to bathe without harming the skin. However, it is extremely salty, so it is not recommended to drink it because it seriously affects the health of the kidneys.

Roopkund Lake is a glacial lake located in the heart of the Trishul massif. When the autumn sun begins to shine on the lake, causing the frozen water to melt, hundreds of human skeletons rise to the surface.

This was discovered at the time of the war, so it is hypothesized that this was the result of Nazi carnage. But according to the autopsy, these corpses date back to 850. Moreover, they all died the same way – something hit the head hard and broke the skull.

4 most mysterious lakes in the world: Some are dreamy and poetic, others contain hundreds of human skeletons
Human bones in Roopkund Lake.

Anecdotes about the lake say that it was caused by the king, queen, children, and courtiers of Kannaji coming to the Himalayas to hold a grand party, ie trespassing on the sacredness of the mountain. The god Nandedavi was angry, sent a hailstorm, killed everyone and buried them in Roopkund Lake.

So in the end, what was able to kill hundreds of people at once and bury them all in the depths of the lake?

Everything was just a question mark until 2007, Indian, American and German scientists revealed the mystery. They discovered that there were no military weapons, the wound was caused by a circular object falling on the head.

Most of the skeletons have large skeletons and should be attributed to pilgrims crossing Roopkund Lake, the few skeletons showing small stature are concluded to be residents there or guides for the pilgrimage group.

The cause for this mass death was a sudden hail or stone avalanche. Some people died, others were injured because of the harsh climate, so they couldn’t resist for long.

These skeletons have remained intact for more than a thousand years thanks to the low temperature in the lake bed.

Lake Natron is not like a fairy tale, it is a trap for any creature that hovers around it – a trap forever cannot be escaped. And it’s real, located in western Africa.

4 most mysterious lakes in the world: Some are dreamy and poetic, others contain hundreds of human skeletons
Lake Natron is located in western Africa.

The death it brings is due to a special ingredient in the lake water – too much sodium salt. This pushes the alkalinity in the water up to a whopping 10 on the pH scale. Suppose an animal comes near the lake to quench its thirst, the heat (due to the geographical position of the lake) will kill it, submerging the body in the water. Natron quickly worked, calcifying the body and pushing a bony figure carved by nature into the water.

4 most mysterious lakes in the world: Some are dreamy and poetic, others contain hundreds of human skeletons
There is so much salt in the lake water that the alkalinity in the water reaches a whopping 10 on the pH scale.

Occasionally migratory birds land directly on the lake because they think it is open ground (the dense chemical composition of the lake water creates the illusion of a white lake). It is people who have been deceived, not just animals. The proof is that on 11/12/2007, a group of wildlife documentaries also because they mistook the lake for an empty space, landed their helicopter there to film flamingos.

Unexpectedly, the helicopter sank and was immediately corroded and the group of people were lucky to escape. They also recorded that: “When we realized that we were landing in a lake, we also felt the heat of the lake water like burning our eyes… After we all got out of the helicopter, we I had to quickly find a way to get out of the lake because the helicopter kept smoking and looked like it was about to explode.”