You've been making coffee the wrong way all your life

We think making coffee is just simple. Just put two or three teaspoons in the filter, make boiling water and you’re done. But scientists don’t think so.

There are many ways for us to enjoy the taste of life, including… a cup of hot coffee in the morning, made by ourselves. Simple is not it? Just put two or three teaspoons in the filter, make boiling water and you’re done.

You've been making coffee the wrong way all your life
Making coffee, thought easy but not easy at all.

But for scientists, who are always interested in everything in life, that is not so. Because in making coffee, the boiling point of water is extremely important, and if we don’t know this, we have been brewing coffee the wrong way throughout our lives.

In the study, the scientists invited seven special experts from the Center for Sensory and Consumer Behavior Analysis at the University of Kansas (USA), who specialize in tasting, analyzing and evaluating to make a conclusion about a true cup of coffee. These experts analyzed up to 36 flavor attributes on hot coffee samples with different temperatures and beans.

And the conclusion that these experts come to is a matter of the temperature of boiling water . It is the boiling point of water that makes or breaks a cup of coffee. Specifically, if you like to drink Arabica coffee, the most suitable temperature is 70 o C, with Robusta coffee, the temperature may be a little lower. In general, coffee brewed at 60 or maybe 50 o C will give the richest and most intense flavor , but never with 100 oC boiling water.

Dr. Christopher Hendon of the University of Oregon (USA), although not involved in the study, said that the higher the temperature, the less the delicious compounds of coffee are extracted. And in addition, too high a temperature will also give the drinker some undesirable compounds.

You've been making coffee the wrong way all your life
The higher the temperature, the less the coffee’s delicious compounds are extracted.

It seems that 70 o C (or 60 o C depending on the type of coffee) is the temperature needed to achieve the perfect equilibrium in order to maximize the delicious coffee compounds and minimize the undesirable ones. want. In addition, at this temperature, it means that the coffee is ready to drink because if it is hotter than 70oC, it is easy to burn the tongue. However, that’s not all, because there are many more factors to help give us a good cup of coffee such as coarse or fine grind, quality of coffee beans, coffee/water ratio, and water quality. .

And the last information, a good cup of coffee depends on whether it is hot or cold, with sugar or with milk. However, either way, scientific studies have shown that drinking coffee in moderation reduces the risk of atrial fibrillation, some skin cancers, type 2 diabetes, and even diabetes. longevity for life.