Why is the door of the public toilet room designed with gaps at the top and bottom?

Have you ever wondered when you see that the doors of public toilets are always designed with a certain gap at the top (adjacent to the ceiling) and below (adjacent to the tile floor)? You will find the answer right below because architects have a clear reason to do so.

Why is the door of the public toilet room designed with gaps at the top and bottom?
If you have all the toilet paper in your room, someone will also provide you with an open top and bottom toilet design like this.

One of the benefits of not closing the door completely is that it’s easy for people inside to contact people outside in case of an emergency and all help (like “resupply” of toilet paper, for example). It will also be a lot easier

Why is the door of the public toilet room designed with gaps at the top and bottom?
Open door design helps to limit actions with unhealthy purposes.

With such an open door design, the risks of taking advantage of the toilet room for inappropriate purposes in public such as sex, drug use or even graffiti on the wall are greatly reduced. minimize as much as possible.

Why is the door of the public toilet room designed with gaps at the top and bottom?
Installing doors with a narrow area will save more costs.

It is clear that installing a door with a narrower area than the door frame will be very easy, helping to reduce installation and maintenance costs and efforts. Furthermore… it’s also pretty aesthetically pleasing.

Why is the door of the public toilet room designed with gaps at the top and bottom?
The design of the toilet door will make it easy to see that someone is inside, helping you not to be disturbed.

In crowded public restrooms, just imagine how bad things would be if you were constantly bothered by knocks on the door. With a door design like this, it will be very easy for outsiders to realize that someone is using it and not disturb you.

Why is the door of the public toilet room designed with gaps at the top and bottom?
If the door is locked and there is no one to assist, the gaps are still wide enough for you to get out.

Have you ever had to experience the feeling of being locked inside the door of a tight space and… the “smell” when no one was there to assist you? Surely then you just wish you could get help, at least some tool that outsiders can pass you through the gaps wide enough to assist you to get out quickly.

Why is the door of the public toilet room designed with gaps at the top and bottom?

Public toilets are obviously places that need to be cleaned regularly, several times a day. Leaving the doors open is therefore essential, as it makes the work of the janitors easier and faster.

Water will drain more easily, can be poured forcefully without fear of water rising up. Especially with open-walled toilets, just standing from one room and flushing is enough – so quick and convenient.

Why is the door of the public toilet room designed with gaps at the top and bottom?

Imagine, do you want to go to a bathroom and still smell the previous person? But if the room has an open door, the smell will go away very quickly because the air is circulated, thereby helping people who come later feel comfortable.

Why is the door of the public toilet room designed with gaps at the top and bottom?

While doing “internal work” in the toilet, no one wants to be bothered. But with a closed door, that situation will happen on a regular basis. Meanwhile, the open door will help people outside to determine whether someone is inside or not.

Why is the door of the public toilet room designed with gaps at the top and bottom?

Many people have a habit of “soaking” for a long time when sitting on the toilet, and this will be even easier if it is a discreet, comfortable toilet.

But with the open design, the occupants will feel less private and decide to act as quickly as possible, thereby helping those who come later do not have to wait long.