If you pay attention to observe, you will see that the drain pipe of the lavabo has a curved shape, the first part curves down and then goes up, what is the purpose of doing so? Why can’t they make straight tubes, is it more material saving?
The section of the tube bends to form a U-shaped conduit.
In fact, the drain pipe of the curved lavabo has a certain effect. The section of the tube bends to form a U-shaped conduit.
According to the principle of connecting vessels , after the water in the lavabo is discharged, a certain amount of water is still retained in the U-tube, and the water level in the two pipes is equal. Thus, both do not affect the drainage and prevent the phenomenon of bad smell in the sewer drain up.
If we use a straight pipe, after the water is drained, there is no amount of water left in the room, which will be filled with stench. In addition, it has the effect of removing impurities.
In the bended section, the pipe can be designed in the form of a connecting pipe or with a deposited umbilicus, which is easy to open to clean the impurities that cause pipe blockage. This is also easier when you want to clean a clogged straight pipe.