Why don't our fingerprints match?

Fingerprints are highly detailed, almost unique, difficult to change, and persistent throughout an individual’s life. They are like lasting marks of human identity.

In fact, there is no one in the world – past, present, future, whose fingerprints match any of you. To understand why, we first need to know how fingerprints form.

As the fetus develops, velar pads develop under the skin on each finger. Whether this padding is small or large, sideways or unevenly developed, it determines the main pattern of the fingerprint: eddy, crochet, arctic. Because the size and orientation of the cushions is partly due to movement, many of your relatives, identical twins will have similar patterns, so DNA is not the only cause of uniqueness. of fingerprints.

Why don't our fingerprints match?
The average person has about 50 ridge crossings on each finger.

Instead, it comes from the unpredictable development of fingerprints . On each layer of the skin there are many layers of cells, all of which grow at different rates, and as the inner layer grows, the middle layer buckles, causing ridges to form at the top.

The first ridges form parallel on the three stretchiest parts of a growing finger near the nail, near the first knuckle crease, and on the skin pad.

As the ridges develop, they sometimes intertwine, form a joint, or separate. The exact location of the intersection points of the ridges on the finger whether to stop or continue branching is determined by various factors such as: how nerves and capillaries develop under the skin, change change the amniotic fluid pressure in the womb, including the force of gravity on the finger that is facing up or down.

And because of the unpredictable, unpredictable development of the ridges that cause random dead ends or branches, even two fetuses growing in the womb are different.

The average person has about 50 ridge crossings on each finger. Even if you oversimplify things – ignore their locations, and just treat these dead ends or forks as tails there’s over a million million chances that it’s going to make a big difference. difference for fingerprints.

To understand how large that number of possibilities is, we estimate that there are 80 billion fingerprints in the world, each represented by a black dot. One million million is 10,000 times bigger. And remember, this is an oversimplification because the number of different fingerprints that can be formed is much larger when you consider the relative positions of these points.

So the fingerprints of my left thumb and other fingers or all of your fingerprints are mathematically stunning, to make sure they are the only swirls in the world.