Why do wrinkles appear as we "older"?

Aging skin will become more wrinkled – everyone knows it, but why is that, not everyone is good.

Preserving beauty, trying to hold on to youth so that you can stay young forever… is one of the important goals of women.

But sometimes, even if you take good care of your skin, it is difficult to stop the full force of time. At this time, the skin will become wrinkled, aging.

Why do wrinkles appear as we "older"?
Aged skin will become more wrinkled.

Have you ever wondered why aging skin is wrinkled? Is it due to the witch’s poison, or is it just our bad habits?

According to scientists, our skin has two important proteins. It’s collagen and elastin .

Collagen is responsible for keeping the skin firm. Meanwhile, elastin gives flexibility and elasticity to the skin. This is what allows our skin to stretch, twist and contract…

Why do wrinkles appear as we "older"?
As we age, our skin begins to produce less collagen and elastin.

So many people tell each other that, to test the elasticity of the skin – you can pinch and twist the skin with your fingers, hold it for a few seconds and then let go.

If it takes a long time for the skin to return to its normal state, it means that the skin has poor elasticity.

As we age, our skin begins to produce less collagen and elastin. At that time, the skin did not retain its firmness and elasticity as before. As a result, the skin will sag, and wrinkles will begin to appear.

Along with wrinkles, signs such as dull, uneven skin tone, spots also occur. You should remember, the natural skin turnover cycle of each person is 28 – 30 days, the skin will produce new epidermal cells instead of old cells.

But you are young (before the age of 20), this skin change is happening on schedule. But after the age of 20, especially after 25, this process takes place slowly – causing dead cells to accumulate on the surface of the skin, preventing the appearance of new cells. It is the factor that makes the skin surface rough, uneven and forms dark spots.

Why do wrinkles appear as we "older"?
After age 25, your natural skin shedding cycle usually slows down.

It should also be added that, besides the aging of time, a number of other factors also cause your skin to deteriorate quickly.

That is solar radiation, also known as ultraviolet rays . Exposing your skin to ultraviolet rays causes collagen and elastin to break down faster than usual. As a result, wrinkles on the skin, especially in the corners of the eyes (because the skin is thinner) will appear soon.

Or the habit of smoking, eating unscientific, high in fat, low in green vegetables … will also partly push your skin closer to aging, make friends with more wrinkles.