What's special about the typical pretzel cake in Europe and the US?

Brezel or Pretzel, also known in Bavaria and Austria as Breze or in Switzerland and Oberschwaben as Bretzel, is a knot-shaped bread especially popular in South Germany, Austria and Alsace (France), made from a twisted dough rope. The cake’s name comes from the Latin word Brachium meaning “arm” , because it has the shape of a folded arm.

There are many theories surrounding the origin of this cake. According to The History of Science and Technology , pretzel was born in 610 AD, invented by an Italian monk as a reward for children who memorized prayers. He called the baked dough sticks, folded into arms crossed over his chest, “pretiola” , meaning “small rewards”.

What's special about the typical pretzel cake in Europe and the US?
Google honors the Pretzel cake that is said to have originated in Germany.

Another historical document says that this cake was born from a monastery in the south of France. Besides, there are also many theories that the cake is of Greek origin, because the button shape resembles the ring bread of this country.

In the Roman Catholic Church, pretzel has a religious significance both in form and in shape. The pretzel knots have a very practical purpose: so that bakers can hang them on hooks along the drying racks, as in Job Berckheyde’s 1681 painting The Baker.

In the 19th century, the pretzel was introduced in North America by Dutch citizens who immigrated to Pennsylvania. By the 20th century, soft pretzel was very popular in areas like Philadelphia, Chicago, and New York.

In Philadelphia there is also a museum for this type of cake called “Pretzel Museum”. Since 2003, April 26 has become National Pretzel Day in recognition of the importance of pretzel cakes to American history and economy following the proclamation of then-Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell. .

The world’s largest Pretzel was baked in 2015 in El Salvador with a weight of more than 780 kg and a length of about 9 meters.