What is Check Entry?

Check Entrupy in recent years has been widely circulated by buyers, sellers and consumers of branded goods as an effective solution to the most accurate problem of checking auth or fake bags. Please also find out the details in the content below.

AI technology and modern techniques are increasingly encroaching on areas that only experienced experts can handle.

Checking bags and brands is also an area like that. Entrupy is the most modern artificial intelligence-based brand verification technology that is widely used in many countries today .

Developed in New York, USA, Entrupy has an AI-powered operating structure that specializes in verifying the authenticity of branded products.

Currently this technology has an accuracy of up to 99.3%, much higher than that of humans. Because the decisions and judgments of the oldest experts cannot be absolutely correct.

What is Check Entry?
Entrupy is an AI-based brand verification technology.

The birth of Entrupy is a very useful solution, especially in countries with a mixed and diverse real and fake goods market like Vietnam. Currently, there are counterfeit bags so sophisticated that they are indistinguishable with the naked eye and there is almost no difference between real and fake bags.

The level of imitation is so high that the number of stitches, bag weight, bag datecode are so real to the nanometer level. These bags can easily pass the eyes of brand experts with many years in the profession because human ability is limited, unable to discern too small differences.

With such bags, modern and advanced technology like Entrupy is extremely useful. And a professional handbag inspection unit is very necessary to increase the prestige and peace of mind for the purchase and use of branded goods.

For brand bags when inspected by Entrupy technology, there will be a scanning device equipped with a microscopic microscope. The device scans surfaces to magnify pixels up to 400x.

Entrupy can clearly see details that are invisible to the naked eye , far beyond human ability. Details such as font, logo depth, leather material, gloss, color, etc. will all be enlarged and carefully illuminated.

Next, AI intelligence will rely on algorithms to automatically compare the captured images with a database of more than 50 million images from genuine products around the world, analyze similarities and different.

Entrupy’s database system is also regularly updated to meet the needs of testing the most new and special brand bags. From those bases, the system will give results to verify whether a product is genuine or not in a short time.

Currently, Entrupy supports a wide variety of brands from low-end to high-end. Almost all popular bag brands in Vietnam market can be checked quickly and accurately.

With high-value bag brands such as Hermes, Chanel, Louis Vuitton, etc., you should go to Golden Friend to check before buying, selling or receiving gifts to determine the origin and authenticity.

Brands that Entrupy can test include: Balenciaga, Bottega Veneta, Burberry, Celine, Chanel, Chloe’, Coach, Dior, Fendi, Goyard, Gucci, Hermes, Louis Vuitton, Prada, Saint Laurent, Valentino. This list of brands is always updated and increased by Entrupy.

The bag inspection process is carefully carried out by an inspection specialist. Professionals are fully equipped with tools and techniques to ensure that the bags are not damaged, the inspection steps are also standardized, ensuring safe and accurate retention.

The Entrupy check result normally has 3 cases as follows:

This is the case for Entrupy bags that do not support checking (newly launched bags, limited edition lines with too special materials, new bags whose logo or design is changed by the company, …) .

Usually, when this happens, Golden Friend will refund the service fee to the customer. This Not supported result is very rare because the Golden Friend often consults and discusses with customers in advance about the type of bag, brand, as well as production time, etc.

Entrupy will return this result when it has verified that your bag is genuine. The Golden Friend will send this result with the link to check at International Entrupy.

This result means that the bag you checked is of unknown origin, not a genuine brand bag.

What is Check Entry?

The above Entrupy certificate form will be sent to customers when the results of the Authentic bag inspection are available if requested by the customer. At the same time on Entrupy’s system, this result will be saved and you can easily access it.

Note: Entrupy test results are only valid at the time of testing. In many cases, crooks have taken advantage of the Entrupy test paper of real bags and then printed many copies to sell with bags of unknown origin. Therefore, it is best to inspect the bag as soon as in doubt or before trading with unknown individuals.