In January 2018 in Nazaré, Portugal, the Brazilian female surfer successfully conquered a fierce wave up to 20.72m high, creating a new surfing record. Recently, on the official website of Guinness, confirmed Maya Gabeira is the world record holder.
Tsunamis with a height of more than 20 meters have occurred in many parts of the world. If you want to take up the challenge of tsunami surfing, you can go to areas located in the Pacific Ring of Fire with a high probability of tsunami such as Japan, Philippines…
Tsunamis are completely different from normal waves caused by wind and tides. Tsunamis are caused by volcanic activity and earthquakes. Usually it happens after an earthquake occurs under the ocean.
Tsunamis are very tall and contain tremendous energy.
If an earthquake is above 6.5 on the Richter scale, a tsunami can be generated. The tsunami will begin at the bottom of the ocean and spread along the coastline, rapidly gaining high speed and tremendous power.
However, what happens if you surf the tsunami?
Experts say that tsunamis are very tall and contain huge amounts of energy. Furthermore. A tsunami can travel up to 800 km/h when it reaches the shore, equivalent to the speed of a passenger plane.
If you can climb to the top of the wave, you will quickly realize that this wave is completely different from any other wave you have surfed before. That’s because tsunamis can’t be “broken” like waves created by wind.
Not to mention the giant tsunami over 20 meters, making surfing on this “monster” almost impossible.
According to Insh, you will quickly be swept up to any beach that the tsunami hits, you can’t even “land” on the beach because it will bring inland a few hundred meters or a few kilometers. Not stopping there, after pushing you inland, the waves quickly pull you back to the sea as they retreat.
Surfing on a tsunami is almost impossible.
Now it’s not just you in the vast ocean of water created by the tsunami. Countless objects, people, vehicles, buildings lying in the path of the wave will be swept into the ocean, causing even more destruction as they rush through the path of the tsunami.
A tsunami isn’t just a big wave; it could be multiple waves. A tsunami can last up to an hour, with waves up to 30 meters high repeatedly hitting coastlines, destroying cities and leaving thousands dead.
So when surfing the tsunami, you are easily swallowed by the “monster” . You can drown or die from being hit by debris from buildings, vehicles, structures.
In the world, windsurfing on tsunamis has also appeared, but success is only a rare thing.