Ancient Aliens: U.S. Government’s Treasure Trove of UFO Evidence

Washington DC April 2011 the FBI releases thousands of files as part of its online FBI Vault one particular file draws the attention of the media and independent research the memo dated March 22nd 1950 is a briefing to FBI director J Edgar Hoover regarding informant information about three flying saucers that were recovered in … Read more

Alien Base: A Festival of Absurdities – ALIEN ANTICS

Alien Base: The Evidence for Extraterrestrial Colonization of Earth – A Festival of Absurdities – ALIEN ANTICS On 23 July 1947, Jose Higgins, a Brazilian topographer, together with a team of workers, was surveying an area of land northeast of Pitanga, State of Sao Paulo, Brazil, when a piercing, high-pitched whistling sound was heard coming … Read more

A Festival of Absurdities – A GHASTLY DEATH

Alien Base: The Evidence for Extraterrestrial Colonization of Earth – A Festival of Absurdities – A GHASTLY DEATH It was the late, great French researcher Aime Michel who described the UFO phenomenon as ‘a festival of absurdities’ — which it often seems to be. No matter how diligently we try to define the phenomenon, it … Read more

“Flying Sailers”

UFO Encounters Sightings, Visitations, And Investigations The next day Arnold told his story to two reporters for Pendleton’s East Oregonian. One of the reporters, Bill Bequette, put the story on the Associated Press wires. Within days, as similar sightings erupted around the country, an anony-mous headline writer coined the phrase “flying saucers.” But that name … Read more

In The Beginning

UFO Encounters Sightings, Visitations, And Investigations The date was June 24, 1947, a Tuesday; the time, just before three o’clock in the afternoon. Kenneth Arnold, a private pilot and fire-control- equipment salesman from Boise, Idaho, was fly-ing over the Cascade Mountains searching for the remains of a lost C-46 for which a $5,000 reward had … Read more

Introduction: Reach Beyond The Clouds

UFO Encounters Sightings, Visitations, And Investigations Flying saucers, better known as unidentified flying objects or UFOs: Some people believe in their existence without question. The skepticism of others knows no bounds, and in fact the skeptics find much to ridicule in the world of ufology. But the world is full of strange and eerie phe-nomena. … Read more