The UFO report: The Soviet Scene 1988 – UFO Sighting in Dalnegorsk

Reports of Unidentified Flying Object – UFO Sighting in Dalnegorsk


At 7:45 a.m. on December 30, Pavel Ujva was driving with a bus-load of passengers on the Primorskaya­ Himkombinat route. The sky was clear with only a few high clouds. As he approached a bus-stop, he noticed a bright, pulsating light ahead of the bus. At the next bus­ stop he could see that the light had become brighter and he could make out a shape, which was in the form of either a parachute or a triangle; hovering above one of the high mountains, opposite the buildings of the Passenger Auto­ transport Association.

The driver announced the presence of the UFO over the intercom, and the passengers disembarked and watched it for one minute.

The object appeared to be half the size of the full moon, and was stationary and noiseless, hovering about 500 me­ters above the mountain”. At the base of the strange craft many points of light could be seen, flashing at intervals of a second, and things like ‘ ‘aerials ‘ ‘ were visible (Figure , 6:4) .

Figure 6:4. Nikolai Lebedev s impression of the object seen on December 30, 1988

Beams of light then came down from the object to the aerials of the PATA buildings, and these aerials began to glow with blue-yellow “hemispheres” (Figure 6:5). A moment later the beams of light disappeared, together with the glowing “hemispheres. ” The driver ordered his pas­ sengers to return to the bus, and he drove off. While ap­proaching the next bus-stop, the UFO could be seen ascending and flying in the direction of the sea. (From a report by V. V. Dvujilniy in Labor World, January 21 , 1989)

I do not yet know why the Dalniy Vostok area appears to be the focal point for recent sightings in the USSR.

In concluding this report, I would like to point out that the vast majority of the population of the Soviet Union remains woefully ignorant of the facts regarding UFOs. Newspaper articles continue to spread false information, and there is a lack of unity among even like-minded ufol­ogists, which leads to considerable confusion. The Com­ mission for the Investigation of Anomalous Atmospheric Phenomena was disbanded recently, although the local research teams have been regrouped into a new umbrella organization known as ‘ ‘FACT” Regrettably, the ap­proach of this group is far from objective, and stories of actual encounters with ufonauts are largely dismissed as nonsense.

Figure 6:5. Further impressions of the object in Figure 6:4

To my mind, the only weapon against ignorance is truthful and factual information. It is absolutely clear to me that our planet is being visited by extraterrestrials. The main task, as I see it, i s to establish this fact o n an official basis. Alas, I doubt that this will happen until such time as the aliens land beside the Tsar’s cannon in the Kremlin.