The Plantation – THE MOMENT OF TRUTH

Alien Base: The Evidence for Extraterrestrial Colonization of Earth – THE MOMENT OF TRUTH

That evening, Xiti having left the scene, Satu Ra hailed a rickshaw and informed Pallmann that they were going to visit the ‘Children of God’, the name given to a pitiful, primitive crematorium on the banks of the Ganges. ‘I counted almost forty funeral fires, some so close that they were almost contiguous,’ remarked Pallmann. ‘We could see small, tormented limbs dangling outside the immediate orbit of flames until the consuming fire broke them off. The attendants snatched up the freed arms and legs and threw them back into the flames as if they were feeding a garden fire more twigs. It was a sickening experience . . .

‘Life to these children had meant nothing but suffering and despair. What else could be expected in a country afflicted by poverty and starvation, set in a world riddled by fear, hate and war? These are reasons why nameless children are burnt at night beside a majestic Indian river.’

In a sad and reflective mood, the two returned to the hotel. It was there that Pallmann came to accept Satu for what he claimed to be.

Until that moment of truth, there were certain things that he had said that I had taken with the proverbial grain of salt. After the moment of truth, I was prepared to accept everything he said as gospel. Henceforth, as far as I was concerned, he, and Xiti for that matter, was always a witness of the truth. I don’t know what alchemy it was that brought us to the moment of truth . . .

Whatever the cause, on that memorable night I accepted that Satu Ra had come from another planet named Itibi Ra II, and that his people had discovered Earth in much the same way that Columbus had discovered the New World: by a deliberate voyage of exploration