Interesting details related to the life of the Egyptians were revealed, surprising many people.
Eye infections were a common and common ailment for the ancient Egyptians. To cure this disease, they use many different, sometimes very strange methods. There are times when they use antibacterial paints and remedies made from human brains.
In an ancient settlement near the Egyptian capital Cairo, a playroom dating back to 3200 BC features carved lanes and finger-piercing balls of various sizes was found. The rules of the game of ancient Egyptians compared to modern times may be different, but in general, it is still a game of bowling.
Door locks were created in Egypt and China. Many people might think that this is an invention of modern times, when society has become more complex. In fact, the ancient Egyptians knew how to use door locks, but these locks work according to a very simple mechanism.
The medical knowledge of the ancient Egyptians was very precise and unique, comparable to modern practices. Through examining some of the mummies, scientists found traces of very difficult surgeries such as heart surgery, organ transplants, even plastic surgery.
The pyramid construction workers are paid 4-5 liters of beer per day. From there, it can be seen that their beer production ability is very good. The ancient Egyptians were among the first to produce this drink.
The world’s first police force was formed during the Middle Kingdom period (years 2050 – 1800 BC). This team consists of the most loyal warriors and mercenaries for foreign countries. Ancient Egyptian policemen often appeared with dogs and monkeys. They protected temples, town squares and caravans from crime.
Although antibiotics were not officially invented until the 20th century, ancient Egyptian doctors used moldy flatbread to treat festering wounds.
There is some evidence that the ancient Egyptians produced toothpaste as early as 5000 BC.
The type of dough they used to produce included various ingredients and was available such as baked eggshells, pumice stone. However, today, we do not know the correct way to use this powder.
Archaeologists have found metal beads in an ancient tomb. These are unique because the Egyptians started smelting iron about 2000 years later.
The question arises, how did they get these metal particles? The answer is found in a hieroglyph for iron, which translates to “metal from heaven” . Therefore, these metal particles can be made from meteorites.