Things you may not know about Jordan

Jordan is an Arab country in the Middle East that stretches from the southern part of the Syrian desert to the Gulf of Aqaba. More than 85% of Jordan’s territory is covered by desert, but this land is the intersection of many great cultures with many legends surrounding this small country.

Coming to Jordan, in their journey of discovery, visitors come to the capital Amman, the ancient city of Petra, the Dead Sea, the Wadi Rum valley – “Moonlight Valley” … with many ancient architectural styles, Massive castles with many styles of Egypt, Syria, Greece and Rome…

Things you may not know about Jordan
The capital Amman at night is a mixture of modern and ancient features.

Even Amman may be the oldest city on Earth. The documents and archaeological sites collected here show that this place has been inhabited since about the 13th century BC. Amman’s appearance on earth is so old that it is mentioned in the Bible as Rabath Ammon.

Amman capital – Jordan’s capital is located right on 7 hills with bold ancient and modern imprints. Here visitors can visit the Amman Theater built during the reign of Antoninus Pius, with a capacity of 6,000 people used regularly for theatrical and entertainment activities. The Umayyad Palace as well as the massive castles located in the desert were built during the time of the Omayyad Caliphs. North of Amman city is the ancient city of Jerash, a relic preserved with Roman architecture, Jordanians are always proud of this ancient land with architectures built thousands of years ago.

In the 1st century AD, the ancient city of Jerash was a city in the Decapolis – ten cities established by the Roman Empire in the Middle East. In this period, Jerash developed extremely prosperous, equivalent to the capital Amman today.

Compared to other countries in the Middle East, Jordan’s northeastern border looks straight as if drawn with a ruler. The truth is that after the fall of the Ottoman Empire after World War I, at the hands of Britain and France, the borders of the countries in the region were re-divided. And it is true that they used rulers and pencils to draw the Jordanian border.

Things you may not know about Jordan
Jordan shares borders with many neighboring countries.

Jordan is one of the countries that has borders with many neighboring countries. Due to its geographical position in the middle of the Middle East, Jordan shares a border with Syria to the north, Iraq to the east, Saudi Arabia to the south, and Israel and Palestine to the west. Even if you look west from the shores of the Red Sea on the Jordan side, you will see Egypt’s Sinai peninsula.

Ajloun Castle, built in the 12th century, is one of the best-preserved medieval Islamic military structures in Jordan and from this area offers a panoramic view of the valley. Jordan and surrounding areas.

Things you may not know about Jordan
The city of Petra shimmering under the candles in the night of prayer.

The most special feature in the program is the city of Petra – which was recognized by UNESCO as a world heritage site in 1985, famous for many statues carved into the cliffs. On July 7, 2007, Petra was recognized as one of the 7 wonders of the modern world. Petra is one of the most visited cities in the Middle East. Petra, meaning “rock” in Greek, is an archaeological site located in southwestern Jordan, stretching from the Dead Sea to the Gulf of Aquaba. There are many vivid stone sculptures on the walls and ceilings of the cliffs.

Wadi Rum Valley – located in the southwest of Jordan has a lot of skyscraper cliffs, sand dunes and endless canyons that give Wadi Rum a very wild but also very romantic and attractive appearance. The attraction is described as “Valley of Moonlight” . Especially coming to Wadi Rum, you will feel the silence of the almost endless space, the wild and romantic beauty of the nearly 2,000m high peaks such as Jabal Rum, Jebel Rum Adami.

Mount Nebo, where the prophet Moses was pointed by God to the promised land in the Bible and also the burial place of Moses, the first Prophet of the church of God, who was instrumental in leading the Israelites out of the yoke of Israel. the Egyptians, where there were many Popes.

The Dead Sea is also known as the “Navel of the Earth” because it is 417 m below sea level, is the lowest point on the earth’s surface, has the highest salt content, the saltiest in the world. Here, even though people cannot swim, people can still float their bodies on the water to read newspapers or admire the beauty of the majestic natural and ecological system around the Dead Sea or relax with the black mud rich in minerals. Therapeutic function is very good for health.

Things you may not know about Jordan
Mensaf, a traditional dish of lamb and yogurt served with rice.

When you come to Jordan, eat the specialties of this land. Mensaf, a traditional dish of lamb and yogurt served with rice, is one of the most popular.

When you think of Jordan, you can’t help but think of forts. One of the places to explore is Shobak Castle, built in the 12th century to protect the King’s highway from Damascus to Egypt. This castle has fresh air and less tourists than the nearby Kerak castle.

If you have enough health and a good pair of walking shoes (several), you can fully experience Jordan tourism by walking on the Jordan Trail through Um Qais in the north to Aqaba in the south. by Jordan. With a length of about 650km, you need about 40 days to conquer this distance.

This particular hotel is located in the Shobak area of Jordan. It’s just an old car equipped with a mattress and blanket. This will be the ideal space for two people.

Things you may not know about Jordan
The kingdom is home to one of the oldest Christian communities.

Jordan is a blessed land with a rich religious history. In Christianity, Islam and Judaism, people have always considered the area around the Jordan Valley and the Dead Sea to be sacred. In the Bible, this land is also referred to as the Garden of God, a religious and historical destination not to be missed.

In Jordan, the majority of the population is Muslim. Some important sites with Islamic characteristics are the tombs of the companions of the Prophet Muhammad.

The kingdom is home to one of the oldest Christian communities, as well as sacred sites like Bethany Beyond the Jordan, where Jesus was baptized. Many beautiful churches are scattered across the country, including St.George in Madaba (pictured), where you can admire the oldest mosaic map of the Holy Land.