The truth about mysterious rumors surrounding the world's loneliest house in Iceland

On an unspoiled island in the Vestmannaejar archipelago off the coast of Iceland, for many years there has been a white house on a green hillside. With the same scene as in a classic detective movie, rumors have been constantly swirling about this mysterious little house.

Lying lost in the vast green grass, listening to the sound of the waves in the Atlantic Ocean day and night, this house is known as the place at the end of the Earth . It is located on the Elliðaey island of the Vestmannaejar archipelago , Iceland and for a long time many articles have questioned the inhabitants of this island.

Indeed, if anyone who has never heard of this story sees this picture of a lonely house, a series of questions arise: Who can live there? How do you live? Where to get food? Is it possible to get depressed when living alone in a deserted place with no people like this?…

The truth about mysterious rumors surrounding the world's loneliest house in Iceland
The small house lies dormant on the lonely island of Elliðaey. (Photo: Christopher Lynn).

One of the most popular rumors is related to the Icelandic pop star of the early 2000s – singer Bjork . According to The Independent, the singer used her influence to ask the government for permission to build a house with a studio on the island of Elliðaey – where she can rest peacefully after busy shows.

However, this assumption is wrong. According to Australian news site, Bjork did indeed ask for an island, but she quickly withdrew the offer because of criticism from the local press. Ironically, the island that Bjork wants to apply for is also called Elliðaey, but it’s just the same name.

The truth about mysterious rumors surrounding the world's loneliest house in Iceland
Singer Bjork.

Still, other rumors continued to surface like thousands of waves crashing on the island of Elliðaey. Obviously, apart from the small white house, the island does not have any other residential households. If not an entertainment star who wants to stay away from the market, who else would want to set foot here?

Netizens even think that the house is owned by a bizarre billionaire who built a house to take refuge in the day… apocalypse! It is also said that the house was built according to the beliefs of a mystical cult. Those who are less dreamy claim that the image of Elliðaey island is just a photoshop product, not a house at all.

The truth about mysterious rumors surrounding the world's loneliest house in Iceland
In the novel “The Island”, author Ragnar Jonasson “borrowed” Elliðaey Island as the scene of the murder.

The mystery surrounding the house on the island of Elliðaey appeared long ago, spread quickly throughout the 2000s and was only fully deciphered in 2015 by However, few people know that the truth about this “lonely house” is not at all as people imagine.

According to information from many people on the mainland closest to the island, Elliðaey used to have several families living for hundreds of years since the 18th century but was abandoned since the 1930s.

In the past, the inhabitants of the island could be said to be very brave because they had to face the harsh nature and extreme loneliness. They rely entirely on fishing and hunting albatross for food.

The truth about mysterious rumors surrounding the world's loneliest house in Iceland
Seagulls are processed into many famous specialties in Iceland.

By the 1930s, the only five people on the island decided they couldn’t hold out any longer. Life on the island is true freedom, but if they return to the mainland, they will have a more open future. So the shacks on the island of Elliðaey were left behind, soon being completely destroyed by nature.

So, where did the small but solid white house on the island of Elliðaey come from? It was actually built around the 1950s, 20 years after the island was abandoned, by the Elliðaey Hunting Association. Although the living conditions on the island are very difficult for humans, this is a paradise for albatrosses, so it is also an ideal spot for hunting.

To make hunting easier, people built 1 and only 1 small white house. It seems peaceful, but in fact, there is always a lack of electricity, water … just a roof to satisfy the most basic needs. However, the special thing is that this house is equipped with a hot tub with a filtration system from rain water; because a dip in the bath will be the best reward for a long day of hunting.

The truth about mysterious rumors surrounding the world's loneliest house in Iceland
The house was too small for the island, and the island of Elliðaey was too small in the middle of the ocean. (Photo: zanthia, internet).

On the other hand, the nearby island of Elliðaey is home to a large concentration of albatrosses, and it also provides storm shelter for many other seabirds. Therefore, Iceland has officially recognized the whole island as a nature reserve protected by the government. Many travel organizations also regularly open tours to explore the island of Elliðaey back and forth during the day. But most of the time, when there are no tourists or hunters, the island is completely lonely, deserted without a single person. It is also one of the most unique things that Icelanders love about Elliðaey and the white house on the island.

With no inhabitants, Elliðaey Island is considered a national nature reserve, becoming the home of many species of seabirds. At this point, netizens can breathe a sigh of relief because they don’t have to worry about anyone being alone when living in this house!