Shameful, inhuman experiments that anyone would feel outraged about.
Experiments were originally carried out for the benefit of science, for the benefit of humanity, to further improve human life. However, that is not the goal of the experiments below.
Boss Himmler, who directs brutal experimental programs.
About 400 creepy experiments that really haunted thousands of victims.
The “father” of the experimental programs was Field Marshal Himmler, commander of the Schutzstaffel force – the most brutal armed organization of Nazi Germany. And the main victims are prisoners of all ages, without exception.
Old, young, girls and boys, even in good health, were forced to inject the plague germ into the body with increasing doses; then the body must be exposed to the cold snow to freeze to death; many men were “castrated” mercilessly or shot with poison bullets…
The purpose of these monstrous experiments is only to test the endurance of the human body!
The “scientists” here perform live surgery on prisoners without the use of anesthetics.
The idea of this crazy experiment came from Unit 731, a secret service for biological and chemical warfare research, and also the most notorious unit for war crimes ever committed by Japanese fascist.
The victims are none other than the unfortunate prisoners. The “scientists” here perform live surgery on those prisoners without anesthesia to study the disease.
They dissected the prisoners’ midsections, then inoculated Rickettsial fever and cholera. The survivors will be hanged to death.
The purpose of this experiment was to avoid bad genes being passed on to the next generation.
This crazy experiment against the laws of nature was approved by the Nazi Law on Prevention of Defective Genes Progeny of 14/1/1933 with the aim of avoiding bad genetic resources from being passed on from generation to generation.
And the 300,000 people in the concentration camps then became reluctant test subjects. They were brought into a room and had to fill out a registration form with the intention of deceiving them.
Sterilization methods include: X-ray surgery, the use of drugs or injections of iodine and silver nitrate into the body. This leaves serious side effects such as vaginal bleeding, severe abdominal pain or cervical cancer.
Later, the doctors here preferred to use radioactive sterilization. They made the room radioactive and made the prisoners completely sterilized. Some suffered severe radiation burns.
The aim of this experiment was to find similarities and differences in the genes of the twins.
The “death” doctor of the Auschwitz concentration camp (Nazi) Joseph Mengele is the “father” of this experiment with the aim of finding similarities and differences in the genes of twins.
About 1,500 sets of twins were brought in for the experiment. They were all locked up in barracks during the process.
The doctors here perform terrifying procedures: inject dye into the twins’ eyes to see if eye discoloration is happening, blood transfusions between two brothers of a twin to check. blood compatibility.
And more gruesome is the stitching of twins together to create conjoined twins. In the end, only about 200 pairs survived.
From 1965 – 1966, dermatologist Albert Kligman, USA tested Agent Orange, a substance used to kill grass, on prisoners at Holmesburg prison. He tested a dose of the drug 468 times greater than human tolerance. The victims then suffered from prolonged pain, sores all over the body, including the private area.
Not only stopping at the original victims, the family whose father or mother was infected with Agent Orange gave birth to children with many birth defects.
Children with birth defects due to the effects of Agent Orange. (Photo: HC).
This is an experiment involving children in an orphanage in Iowa, USA. In 1939, instructor Wendell Johnson and his student, Mary Tudor, conducted an experiment with 22 orphaned children.
The method was conducted in the form of face-to-face interviews with the aim of finding a link between psychological trauma and the formation of brain defects, leading to speech defects.
In the first group, Wendell practiced talking and encouraging the children. In the second group, he turned to criticism, cursing and contempt for the stuttering children. These children grow up in fear, forming speech and pronunciation defects. From normally developed children, the experiment crippled them for the rest of their lives.
The results of this failed test were concealed until 2001, a reporter for the San Jose Mercury-News investigated the incident and exposed the truth to the public.
From 1930 to 1940, the Japanese military conducted biological warfare and medical experiments on humans. The death toll of these experiments has yet to be accurately counted. As reported by the New York Times, 200,000 people may have died.
The prisoners were infected with dangerous diseases such as plague, cholera, anthrax and sexually transmitted diseases. They march in icy weather and then experiment to determine the best treatment for frostbite.
Former members of the unit said prisoners were injected with poisonous gas, which was placed in a pressure chamber until their eyes popped out. Many organ transplants and amputations are performed regularly without anesthesia.
At the end of the war, Shiro Ishii and his staff were not held responsible for the terrible crimes they committed.
The stitches on the victims after the bones were removed.
During World War II, Nazi Germany performed freezing experiments on humans to simulate the conditions faced by the German army. They dropped healthy Russian or Jewish soldiers into a barrel of cold water. Most victims lose consciousness and die when their body temperature is 25 degrees Celsius or below. For the living, doctors continued to pour boiling water into the bladder, intestines and stomach.
To study the body’s regeneration process, doctors select healthy people and then remove the shoulder, arm, and hip bones from the victim and transplant them into another body. Some of the doctors responsible for these atrocities were later tried as war criminals.
The trial was carried out from 1932 to 1972 by the US Public Health Service. The purpose is to monitor the consequences of syphilis if left untreated. The victims were 622 young men from Tuskeegee, 431 of whom had pre-existing medical conditions.
These people were deceived that the trial lasted 6 months, when it was actually 40 years long. They get free care, life insurance and many other benefits when they join. After the number of people with syphilis increased, their medical services stopped.
In 1972, the test information was leaked, the US stopped but by then it was too late. One-third of the men involved died of syphilis, 40 of their wives also had syphilis, and 19 children were born with congenital syphilis.
Prisoner here from 1910 to 1950, you can also be the “reluctant patient” of surgeon Leo Stanley.
You might think the worst thing at San Quentin prison is the terrible food and aggressive inmates. However, if you were a prisoner here from 1910 to 1950, you can also be the “reluctant patient” of surgeon Leo Stanley – a fanatical believer in eugenics. This doctor wants to sterilize violent prisoners and “rejuvenate” them with a new source of testosterone.
At first, Stanley simply transplanted the testicles of newly executed young prisoners into older men serving life sentences. Then, when the human supply ran out, the doctor ground the testicles separated from goats, pigs and deer into a mixture and injected it into the prisoners’ stomachs.
Some patients report feeling better and more active after this bizarre “treatment”. However, due to the lack of experimental rigor, it is not clear whether long-term effects can be achieved.
This is the most “famous” experiment in history, even becoming the subject of a movie released in 2015. In 1971, Stanford University psychology professor Philip Zimbardo recruited 24 students. Half of these he called “prisoners” and the other half “guardians” in a makeshift prison in the basement of the research building. Within two days, the “guards” began to assert power in an unfair way, and the “prisoners” resisted and rebelled, at times using their beds to block the basement door.
Then, things really got out of control: the “guards” retaliated by making the prisoners sleep naked on concrete, near their own buckets of dung. One inmate was completely broken down, punching and kicking and screaming uncontrollably. (This person was later removed from the experiment.)
What are the results of the experiment? Ordinary people can surrender to the “dark demon” within them when given power. This helps explain everything that went on from the Nazi concentration camps to the Abu Ghraib prison.
“Can we control a person to the extent that he or she will fight against his own will, even against the basic laws of nature, like self-preservation?” . It was a line from a CIA memo written in 1952 that discussed the idea of using drugs, hypnosis, bacterial pathogens, prolonged isolation (and who knows what else) to gather information. information from hostile subjects and prisoners.
At the time this memo was written, Project Artichoke was 1 year in progress. Victims of these techniques include homosexuals, ethnic minorities, and military prisoners.
In 1953, Project Artichoke changed to the much more sinister MK-ULTRA with the addition of the hallucinogen LSD. Sadly, most of the records of these experiments were destroyed by then-CIA director Richard Helms in 1973, when the Watergate scandal threatened to make MK-ULTRA’s details public.