The meaning of logos of world famous car manufacturers

Behind the logos are the decades-long symbols of world-famous automakers such as Toyota, Mitsubishi, Rolls Royce… a long history with interesting facts.

The Toyoda family started out in the Aiichi region as a sake brewer, more than 300 km southeast of Tokyo. In 1936, Sakichi Toyoda’s family decided to change careers, from making wine to establishing a company specializing in car production. The name change from Toyoda to Toyota comes from three reasons:

The meaning of logos of world famous car manufacturers

Toyota’s logo is very familiar to Vietnamese users. Today’s logo that Toyota uses was born in 1990. It consists of 3 interlocking ellipses and is arranged in 3 different directions, representing 3 hearts and meaning: showing care to customers. , symbolizing product quality and efforts to develop science and technology.

The meaning of logos of world famous car manufacturers

This is the famous logo that adorns one of the most luxurious car brands. Designed by Charles Robinson Sykes, the Spirit of Ecstasy has been the nose makeup of Rolls-Royce cars since 1911.

The Rolls Royce logo is a double R , which is the initials of the two founders of this car brand in 1904: Charles Rolls and Henry Royce.

This double R was originally red, then changed to blue when Charles Rolls died. Along with this logo, the famous statue mounted on the grille (just above the logo) is also a unique feature of Rolls Royce.

The meaning of logos of world famous car manufacturers

The Mercedes-Benz car brand was established from the merger between Daimler and Benz in 1926. The 3-pointed star symbol of Mercerders – Benz has been very famous and familiar to many people.

In the late 19th century, Gottlieb Daimler, co-founder of Mercedes-Benz, sent his beloved wife a postcard in the shape of a star surrounding the house they lived in with the words “one” written on it. One day, this star will shine in your career.” And in 1909, things turned out as he had hoped when his two sons, Daimler Motoren and Daimler Gesellschaft, designed a three-pointed star logo for his father’s company.

This logo symbolizes the ambition and burning dream of bringing the product to dominate everywhere : on the ground, under the sea and even in the sky.

Many people also believe that the three elements earth, air and water represent the three branches of the star. Those three elements were used to create the Mercedes-Benz logo and it has remained unchanged to this day.

The meaning of logos of world famous car manufacturers

Lamborghini is the surname of the founder of the “golden cow ” brand – Ferrucio Lamborghini . During World War II, he was an engineer for the Italian Air Force, specializing in engines. After the war ended, the demand for tractors in Italy increased. Seizing the opportunity, Lamborghini bought the surplus machinery of the army and improved it into plows and tractors. Thanks to that, Lamborghini’s business grew. He quickly became a rich young businessman.

With a strong passion for sports cars, Lamborghini has always wanted to build the best cars. When there was economic potential, in 1963 Lamborghini decided to build a car factory called Automobili Lamborghini SpA in a small village in Sant’Agata.

This car mark was founded by Ferruccio Lamborghini in 1963. Lamborghini’s logo is a bull. Many people consider this logo a symbol of strength and speed. But in fact, it represents the founder’s date of birth . Simply because Ferruccio Lamborghini belongs to the sign of Taurus.

The meaning of logos of world famous car manufacturers

Although the logo has been changed many times, in the nearly 100-year history of the German car company’s formation and development, BMW still keeps its logo in the shape of a rotating propeller on a green background . This shows pride in the blue and white color of his native Bavarian flag .

In addition, during World War I, BMW was the main supplier of aircraft engines to the German government, so the symbol is also said to represent the spinning propeller of the Bavarian Luftwaffe at that time only. These two colors are featured.

The meaning of logos of world famous car manufacturers

To honor the car company’s name and show its self-respect, in all logo designs, Ford consistently puts its name in the logo.

The new logo consists of two concentric ellipses with a length-to-width ratio of 2.55 matching the size of the word Ford with a ratio of 2.4. The entire logo is embossed symbolizing strength and prosperity. The outermost oval shape is also polished metallic silver, symbolizing the outstanding technology of Ford branded products. And of course, we can’t ignore the green color throughout 100 years of existence and development, which is the color symbolizing the friendliness, longevity and concern for consumers of Ford Motor Company.

The meaning of logos of world famous car manufacturers

Ferrari SpA is an Italian sports car company founded by Enzo Ferrari in 1929. Originally called Scuderia Ferrari , the company specialized in sponsoring racers and racing cars before being put into use. . In 1947, the company officially took the name Ferrari SpA . In its development history, Ferrari is known for its car racing, especially the company has been very successful in the “Formula 1” race.

The yellow background of the Ferrari logo is the typical color of the city of Modene. And the horse is the trophy of a friend of Enzo Ferrari (Ferrari’s boss) who is a fighter pilot who shot down a German plane and brought it back to him. And Enzo took the horse as the symbol of his car’s mark.

Ferrari has a logo that is a gallant horse on a bright yellow background, usually with two letters SF (Scuderia Ferrari) below. Scuderia Ferrari is the name of the famous racing team of the company. In addition, the border of the logo is also the 3 colors in the flag of Italy.

The meaning of logos of world famous car manufacturers

The Cadillac logo is the badge of the famous French military commander and explorer, Antoine de la Mothe Cadillac. This emblem consists of a small crown at the top and the coat of arms of the Cadilac family in the center, surrounded by a laurel wreath stylized with a wreath of tulips.

The meaning of logos of world famous car manufacturers

In 1898, on his 21st birthday, young Louis Renault chose that special occasion to sell a car bearing his very own classic name, the Renault Type A. In 1899, Louis and his two brothers Marcel and Ferand opened the company “Renault Frères – The Renault Brothers” , at 10, Avenue Cours, Billancourt. As the meaning of the word “Frères”, Renault designed its first logo with two interlocking “Rs “, in the sophisticated artistic style of the early 20th century.

Initially, the logo of this French car company was a stylized name of the Renault brothers: Louis, Ferdinand and Marcel. Then, the tank image was replaced in the following years to symbolize the time when the company made light tanks for the Allies. Finally, the Renault lettering and the diamond- shaped logo firmly and brightly are maintained to this day.

The meaning of logos of world famous car manufacturers

Posche’s logo is one of the most famous symbols of all time, the image of a galloping horse on a Ferrari, first appearing on the wings of iron birds piloted by a legendary pilot in the first world. war, Duke Francesco Baracca.

At the center of the Porsche logo is the city emblem of Stuttgart. According to linguists, Stuttgart is a shortening of the original word Stutengarten, which translates into English as “stud farm”.

The symbol and the name of Stutengarten reflect the tradition of Stuttgart, where rich horse farms are located along the banks of the Neckar River. There is a theory that the image of the horse that the Italian air force hero Francesco Baracca painted on the side of his plane was partly inspired by these horse camps when he flew over Stuttgart.

The meaning of logos of world famous car manufacturers

The Italian car company was founded by three Maserati brothers, but the fourth brother, Mario Maserati, chose to be an artist and did not participate in the family car production. It was he who created the logo for the company.

Mario designed the trident icon based on the statue of the Roman god Neptune in Piazza Maggiore, Bologna. The logo is blue and red, representing the traditional colors of the city of Bologna , where the Maserati brothers were born.

The meaning of logos of world famous car manufacturers

The oval shape surrounding the letter H represents the company’s continuous expansion, going beyond Asia to reach out globally. The letter H stands for Hyundai, of course, but it is also a symbol for two people shaking hands, one representing the company, the other half being the customer.

This is Hyundai’s implication in expressing gratitude to customers who have bought its cars, as well as showing the closeness between Hyundai and users.

The meaning of logos of world famous car manufacturers

The stars in Subaru’s logo aren’t just there to make them sparkle, they’re actually a group of stars in the constellation Taurus known as the Pleiades . In Japanese, this constellation is called Subaru , which means “unity”. The largest star in the logo represents Fuji Heavy Industries, the five smaller stars represent the 5 companies merged to form Fuji Heavy Industries.

The blue background on the logo represents the sky. In the US, the Pleiades are also known as the Seven Sisters . It is also the name of a group of all-girls boarding schools, an ironic coincidence that Subaru is the car company that is most loved by lesbians in the US.

The meaning of logos of world famous car manufacturers

The severe crisis of the auto industry from the 1920s of the last century was an opportunity for Horch & Cie, Audi, DKW and Wanderer to unite into Auto Union AG in 1932. This was the forerunner of today’s Audi. now.

Auto Union AG has chosen the symbol of 4 interlocking circles , representing 4 companies. All circles are completely equal in size, lying equally on a horizontal line, showing solidarity and respect. A very simple symbol but with a lot of meaning.

The meaning of logos of world famous car manufacturers

The American automaker’s name is named after the famous electrical engineer, physicist, and scientist Nikola Tesla for his great contributions. is a tribute to the famous electrical engineer, physicist, and scientist. Nikola Tesla, many theories also suggest that this logo symbolizes “Tesla coil” .

However, Elon Musk explained that rumor in January 2017, when asked about the meaning of the T logo, Musk replied: “Similar to SpaceX, the X is like a rocket orbit . T is like a cross section of an electric motor ”.

The meaning of logos of world famous car manufacturers

Basically, the company’s stylized “H”-shaped logo is not too strange to say it all with many Japanese meanings. The company’s founder and mechanic is Soichiro Honda. The logo is very simple, stylized with the name of the Honda family. Since then, this car company has always affirmed its position in the technology market as well as created trust with customers.

The meaning of logos of world famous car manufacturers

The American car company with an easy-to-remember logo and received many different interpretations of the logo since its inception. Founded in 1911 and named after one of its co-founders – Louis Chevrolet . Mr. Louis Chevrolet – the founder of the brand said that the logo was inspired by the wallpaper in the hotel room that he had the opportunity to visit Paris in 1908. But there are also opinions that the logo is designed to resemble a cross. of Switzerland as a tribute to his homeland.

The meaning of logos of world famous car manufacturers

Lexus is not a strange name and is often referred to with the luxury call “ruffled” by many people. The company’s logo is also very simple with a stylized “L” wrapped in an ellipse. Although the “L” is stylized, its spearhead is unrecognizable, showing the brand’s race in a modern, fresh and perfect style that is constantly rising.