The health of the Earth is in jeopardy

Scientific reports studying human habitats indicate that the Earth is in a dangerous zone .

Earth has broken 7/8 of the safe limit set by science and is in the “danger zone”, according to research published on May 31. Scientists have for the first time proposed new measures besides looking at the planet’s ecology, mainly in terms of preventing harm to countries, ethnicities and genders.

The health of the Earth is in jeopardy
Earth’s safety indicators are getting worse and worse. (Photo: NASA).

The study by an international scientific team from the Earth Commission, published in the journal Nature on May 31, looked at many issues from climate, air pollution, water pollution, untapped natural environment. and exploited natural environment. In which, only the problem of air pollution has not reached the dangerous threshold .

Research from a group of Swedish scientists shows that air pollution is dangerous at the local and regional levels. Meanwhile, the climate problem has gone beyond harmful to humans on Earth.

In addition, the above report found many “hot spots” of regions in Eastern Europe, South Asia, the Middle East, Southeast Asia, parts of Africa and some countries such as Brazil, Mexico, China and west of America. Scientists say about two-thirds of the Earth’s regions do not meet the criteria for freshwater safety.

“We’re in danger zone for most of the Earth system’s boundaries ,” said Kristie Ebi, co-author of the study.

Joyeeta Gupta, co-chair of the Earth Committee and professor of environment at the University of Amsterdam, makes a very interesting comparison. “If the Earth is ‘visited’ every year, like a person is sick, the blue planet is having problems in many different areas and affecting the quality of life,” said Joyeeta Gupta.

Of course, scientists think the Earth can recover if humans make changes, including the removal of fossil fuels and the rational use of other resources such as land and water.

To make this happen, a team of about 40 scientists created quantifiable boundaries for each type of environment, collectively known as a matter of justice.

“Sustainability and justice are inseparable. Neglecting measures to protect the Earth’s natural environment is unacceptable, especially if unsafe conditions focus primarily on poor and vulnerable communities,” Chris Field, Director of the Environmental Research Institute at Stanford University said.