Lost in the forest what to do and what not to do is something you are very confused about? One of the secrets to surviving in the jungle is to stay away from inedibles.
If unfortunately lost in the forest, the first thing you need to do to survive is to find a source of food and water . However, that does not mean that you can eat anything, because there are plants that look completely harmless but can kill you.
Scientifically known as Atropa Belladonna , the black cherry is a herbaceous plant in the Solanaceae family, found in Europe, North Africa, Western Asia, and parts of Canada and the United States.
Although it looks similar to blueberries and black currants, it is actually a very dangerous plant with a powerful toxin – cianyde. Symptoms of cyanide poisoning include dilated pupils, blurred vision, heart palpitations, loss of balance, headache, rash, dry mouth and throat, slurred speech, constipation, confusion, hallucinations, and seizures. ..
Just eat from 2 to 5 fruits is enough for a healthy person… “gain” immediately.
Wild cherries are the common name for cherry trees that grow wild , without human care.
Most wild-grown cherries are no different from grown ones, although the taste can be… more boring. However, not all wild cherries are edible, as some cherries contain cianyde, a highly toxic substance. If accidentally ingested, you will die within a few notes.
Holly is an evergreen shrub that grows widely throughout Europe, North Africa, western and central Asia. The leaves and branches of the holly tree are often used for Christmas decorations in many countries around the world.
However, the holly fruit – despite its pretty appearance, contains the toxin saponins. Accidental ingestion of this fruit can cause terrible vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration, and drowsiness.
And obviously with such symptoms, eating too much of this fruit will not leave any good consequences for you at all, especially when… do not know when to return home.
Pokeberries – are shrubs with purple-red stems and purple clusters of fruit. It is this appearance that makes many people mistake them for grapes and comfortably eat them.
But this is a highly toxic plant, although the fruit is the least toxic. In particular, the toxicity on the fruit will decrease when ripe – turning black.
But not because of that, pokeberry has dropped the “dangerous” label. If you accidentally sip a few fruits, it’s okay, but if you eat from 5 to 10 fruits, it will cause abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, even death.
Wisteria is a plant that is quite famous for its beauty when in bloom. A flowering plant in the legume family, wisteria can be found in East America, Japan, China, and Korea.
Contrary to its beauty, wisteria possesses a poisonous glycoside . This substance is found in the seeds, fruits, and bark, and if ingested can lead to abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, difficulty breathing and even death.
The flowers are beautiful, but the wisteria fruit cannot be touched.
Buffalo persimmon tree, belonging to the Mangan family, also known as: Rom tree, Gecko tree, Kua honey tree, Crocodile tree (Thai Nguyen), pan sloa (Cao Bang)… Toxins of persimmon fruit are alkaloids , contained mainly in the nucleus pulposus (not found in the pulp). Poisoning with red buffalo will lead to respiratory failure, cardiovascular collapse .
The toxin of the persimmon fruit is an alkaloid, which is mainly contained in the kernel.
Their toxicity affects mainly cardiomyocytes and causes acute pulmonary edema. Animal studies have shown that the gastrointestinal LDmin dose of seed with pulp is 18g/kg b respiratory failure and cardiovascular collapse).