The beef you see every day is only 60% of the cow! The remaining 40% to make these "super weird" things!

Although it depends on the taste, but probably most have to agree that beef is the best meat on the market. Needless to say, considering the price of beef is always the most expensive of all meats on the market, it is naturally delicious.

But you know what, in fact, not 100% of a cow will be sold in the market. The ribs, loin, brisket, beef… only make up 60% of the beef. The remaining 40% will be applied to many other problems, and they are more “weird” than you think.

Fat first! Some beef fat may be sold in markets and supermarkets, but most will be synthesized into a product called “tallow” – or more generally animal fat. They contain only pure fatty acids with sticky and viscous properties. Fins should often be used in making lotions, cosmetics, soaps, toothpastes, lipsticks… to increase the smoothness and adhesion.

The beef you see every day is only 60% of the cow! The remaining 40% to make these "super weird" things!
Cow fat is used in making lotions, cosmetics, soaps, toothpastes, lipsticks…

Grease is also used as a lubricant in antifreeze and hydraulic brake fluids. Even the US Air Force is experimenting with using beef fat as biofuel for jet engines, although it has not really been successful.

Beef is not only meat, but also has many other important uses for medicine. In particular, the most important is the source of insulin for diabetics.

The beef you see every day is only 60% of the cow! The remaining 40% to make these "super weird" things!
Cows are a source of insulin for diabetics.

Insulin is a hormone that helps balance blood sugar levels, and people with diabetes are deficient in this hormone. Fortunately, bovine insulin is almost similar to human, so medicine has extracted this hormone from the pancreas of cows, and applied it in the treatment of diabetes in humans.

It’s not over yet! Bovine adrenal glands will be used to make some steroid drugs to help increase muscle. Bovine cartilage can be used as medicine for people with osteoarthritis, while bovine lung is used in some blood-thinning drugs, such as heparin.

Many parts of cows – like tendons, bones… contain collagen . When purified, collagen can be injected into the skin of the eyes, making the skin appear plumper and more youthful.

The beef you see every day is only 60% of the cow! The remaining 40% to make these "super weird" things!
Many parts of cows – such as tendons, bones… contain collagen.

Another use of collagen is to make gelatin , by boiling beef bones. If you are a regular cook in the kitchen, you will be familiar with gelatin. This is an indispensable ingredient to create plasticity and adhesion for some dishes, such as marshmallows, caramel, flan, jelly…

That’s it, a cow is not only for meat, but also has more uses than we think.