The air conditioner does not carry oxygen, why are we still alive if we open the air conditioner in a closed room?

In the home, the air conditioner, also known as the air conditioner, is a closed system consisting of an indoor unit and an outdoor unit for heat exchange.

Air conditioners do not have oxygen-producing components, so the air conditioner does not provide us with oxygen. So why are we still alive if we open the air conditioner in the room with the door closed?

The air conditioner does not carry oxygen, why are we still alive if we open the air conditioner in a closed room?
Air conditioners do not produce oxygen, we live because of the amount of oxygen in the air.


A). According to science, every minute we inhale and exhale 8 liters of air, so we need 11520 liters per day. In which air when inhaled contains about 20% oxygen, when exhaled contains 15% oxygen. Therefore, each breath the body only absorbs 5% of oxygen, every day the body absorbs (11520 * 5% =) 576 liters of oxygen.

B). Suppose in an air-conditioned room 3m wide, 4m long and 3m high ceiling. So the volume of the room’s air: 3*4*3 = 36m 3 converted to liters we get 36,000 liters of air, because Oxygen accounts for 20%, we have (36,000*20% =) 7200 liters of Oxygen.

Compare A and B : the amount of oxygen in the room is 7200 liters, while the body needs 576 liters a day, so this room contains enough oxygen to live more than 12 days .

It should be added that when the body absorbs 5% oxygen and breathes 5% CO 2 (carbon dioxide or commonly known as carbon dioxide) respectively. The amount of CO 2 will increase with each breath and start to cause discomfort when reaching the threshold of 3% of the room air volume, calculated according to the above room (36,000 * 3%) = 1080 liters of CO2, switching to the hours we have ((( 1080/576)*24) = 45 hours .


Air conditioners do not produce oxygen, we live because of the amount of oxygen in the air. When we are in a closed room, the reduced oxygen is not the cause of the discomfort, but the increased CO 2 . As in the room above, we should be able to live more than 12 days due to the sufficient oxygen supply, in fact we only live for nearly 2 days due to the amount of CO2 we exhale ourselves.

Because CO2 (44) has a higher density than Oxygen(32), it will sink, making the local concentration of CO2 higher than the actual room as a whole. When the air conditioner is in operation, it creates a airflow that causes air disturbance. This explains why in a closed room with the air conditioner on, it feels easy to breathe, making us think that the air conditioner produces oxygen, adding to the cool breeze makes the feeling even more real.

If the room is crowded or the room is too small, you need to add an exhaust fan to circulate the air. Without a fan, we just need to open the window or door of the room, so that the clean outside air will automatically come in to gradually replace the air in the room. more important than you.