Terrifying facts about ancient condoms

The Romans used the intestines of their enemies to make condoms, the first person used a condom in front of thousands of people… you must be amazed to know the truth about this special item.

The word condom comes from the Latin word ” condus” , which means ” pot ” or “box”.

Terrifying facts about ancient condoms
Image of the first condom, made of pig intestines and can be washed and reused many times!

The earliest documents documenting condom use belong to the Egyptians , about 1,000 years ago. In a study of ancient Egyptian paintings, about 900 BC, people found pictures depicting the use of condoms. Paintings depicting condom use were also found in Europe around this time. The Japanese are also noted to have used condoms, but the Egyptians were the first to use condoms in the world.

The first recorded condom was made of leather, with no lubricant attached. Many historians believe that at least this time there must have been a lubricant, such as animal fat or something that made the skin more smooth, favorable for the penetration of the penis. Unfortunately, to date, we have not found any records that mention this lubricant for the skin.

The Romans also used condoms, and they used the intestines of their enemies as condoms.

Some other materials used to make condoms are animal intestines (sheep, goat and some other species).

The Chinese like to use fish bubbles. The Japanese use seaweed, soft paper… lining to block.

The ancients took the intestines of sheep and soaked them in water for a few hours, then turned them upside down, soaked them in dilute alkali, and turned them upside down every 12 hours to soak. Then scrape off the mucus and grease with a razor and expose it to sulfur smoke. Next is washing with water and soap, inflated and then dried, then cut into pieces of a suitable length for the penis and sewed on one end. Before each use, take it to soak in water to soften. This type of condom is quite expensive but can be used many times.

Terrifying facts about ancient condoms
Condoms made from linen.

Although the Egyptians, Europeans, and Japanese are known to be the first to use condoms, we have no idea who used them first.

The first person to be recorded using a condom was not from these countries. Gabrielle , the Italian, is credited with being the first person to use a condom, in front of thousands of spectators, to prove that condoms are very effective in fighting the most dangerous disease in Italy in the 15th century – syphilis . The condom he uses is made of linen.

With proven effects, by the 17th century condoms were widely available in stores.

In the 18th century, a turning point in the use of condom materials took place. Instead of using materials such as linen, people have known to use rubber to make bags. Latex is chosen because it has good elasticity and is better able to hold semen, not letting it get into the partner’s vagina like previous condoms.

In the 1930s, a new material was found to replace rubber in the production of condoms, which is latex. Latex is better than rubber in efficiency and durability. This material is still in use today.