Strange phenomena appear in the sky

False sun, twin rainbow, fish rain, blood rain, … are strange phenomena appearing in the sky that not only attract the attention of scientists but also make people curious.

Dummy sun is a strange phenomenon when two, three or more “Suns” appear at the same time, only 1 real Sun, the rest is illusory. The real sun is brighter than the fake sun. Eyebrow phenomenon usually occurs when the sun is near the horizon, pseudo-sun is bright areas at the edge.

Strange phenomena appear in the sky
False sun is a strange phenomenon that attracts the attention of many people

This astronomical phenomenon, though rare, is not mysterious because they are all normal optical phenomena, caused by the refraction of light by rock dust crystals in the clouds above.

Rainbow “twin ” is a rare phenomenon, they have the same root but split into 2 separate arcs . The mystery of the phenomenon lies in the combination of water droplets of different sizes. Sometimes, two showers occur at the same time.

Strange phenomena appear in the sky
This strange phenomenon brings rare beauty in the sky

Then, the raindrops will have different sizes and create slightly distorted rainbows. These rainbows combine to form a twin rainbow.

In the evening at the mouth of the Catatumbo River, Venezuela, the sky usually appears about 150-200 flashes per minute but almost no thunder is accompanied . Scientists call this the “Catatumbo flash” or the world’s largest “ozone generator”.

Strange phenomena appear in the sky
The strange phenomenon in Venezuela caused many surprises for the scientific world

They are formed by the continuous production of ozone (O3) due to the interaction of lightning with atmospheric oxygen, due to the contact of cold air masses from the Andes with hot humid air from the surrounding lake area. . It is estimated that this phenomenon occurs about 150 nights/year , appearing most when the environmental humidity is high.

This event occurs regularly each year around May to July and has gradually become so familiar that it is frequently mentioned in the folklore of the locals of Yoro, Honduras. Initially, the rain came as normal as many other rains in the world, heavy rain for about 2-3 hours. After the rain, thousands of fish are still alive struggling on the ground , the people of Yoro pick up the fish as if… picking mushrooms in the forest and bringing them back for meat.

Strange phenomena appear in the sky
Thousands of fish fell from the sky, forming a rain of fish in Honduras

Thanks to this strange natural phenomenon, every year, many tourists come to Yoro with eagerness to attend the “Rain of Fish Festival” held annually since 1998. It is believed that the cause of this phenomenon is due to hurricanes and tornadoes blowing in from the sea, which have swept the fish that was so crowded in the northern Caribbean out of the water at an altitude of thousands of meters. These fish follow the rain and stay on land. However, that is still just a hypothesis and so far, no one has found the most convincing explanation.

Hemophilia first appeared in Kerela, India in 2001 and lasted for nearly 3 months from June 25 to September 23. This event immediately stirred up public opinion in India – where most people strongly believe in religious beliefs. Many theories have been put forward, with many suggesting that the red color of the rain is most likely the result of a meteorite explosion.

Strange phenomena appear in the sky
This strange rain is brought by a red creature

It was not until 2006 when this phenomenon repeated on March 4, that physicist Godfrey Louis of Mahatma Gandhi University collected rainwater samples and found out why. The reason is that rainwater in Kerela is stained with the color of a species of red seaweed scientifically known as Rhodophyceae.

Strange phenomena appear in the sky
Flocks of starlings flying together in a large group in the sky created this strange phenomenon

In spring, Danes often witness a very interesting event: millions of starlings from all over the world gather in large flocks during the hour before sunset . Starlings migrate from the south, by day feeding in the grasslands, gathering in the evening to “dance” in the sky and then finding a place to sleep in the reeds when the sun has gone down. . This event usually occurs in early spring, from March to mid-April in the marshes of western Denmark.

The “fire rainbow” in Idaho, USA is one of the most amazing and rare natural phenomena in the world . The rainbow here is not like the usual rainbow but is born when light passes through the swirling clouds above and only when the sun is very high – above 58 degrees above the horizon, people can witness this interesting phenomenon.

Strange phenomena appear in the sky Fire rainbow is a rare phenomenon and must converge many ideal natural conditions

In addition, the hexagonal ice crystals in the torsion cloud must be thick disk-shaped, with faces parallel to the ground to create a perfect fire rainbow. When light passes vertically through the upper face and exits the lower face, it is refracted, as if light were passing through a prism. If the twisted ice crystals were lined up properly, the entire cloud would emit a spectrum of colors that looked like a beautiful fire.

Strange phenomena appear in the sky
The strong wind blew the chair deep into the wall.

In 2011, a tornado with a width of more than one kilometer swept through Joplin, Missouri, USA, flattening this place into rubble. High winds with a speed of 320km/h picked up a chair and hit it so hard that the legs of the chair dug deep into the outer wall of a store.

Strange phenomena appear in the sky
Frog rain in the town of Odzaci, Serbia.

Waterspouts, formed by swirling winds that lift water up into tornado-like columns, can also sweep creatures into the air. In 2005, a water tree pulled thousands of frogs from the lake and released them into the nearby town of Odzaci, Serbia.

Strange phenomena appear in the sky
Insect tornado over 300m high in Vila Franca de Xira, Portugal.

In 2014, a photographer captured an image of a tornado more than 300m high full of insects, possibly grasshoppers, in Vila Franca de Xira, Portugal. Small whirlwinds can carry mosquitoes, but large insect cyclones are often an illusion or swarm of insects, not a weather phenomenon.

Strange phenomena appear in the sky
The personal check was blown more than 320km.

The upward-moving air currents of tornadoes can lift paper and other light objects up to 6,000 meters and carry them for kilometers. The longest distance was recorded in 1915, when a personal check was blown more than 320km from Great Bend, Kansas to Palmyra, Nebraska, USA.

Strange phenomena appear in the sky
Heavy hail occurred in South Dakota, USA in 2010.

In 2010, heavy hailstorms fell on Vivian, South Dakota, USA. A stone in the rain has set a record with a weight of up to 0.9 kg. These rocks are usually about the size of marbles, which are then tossed around longer by the strong currents of the storm and encased in more ice.