Space exploration: How are rockets launched?

Did You Know: Space – How are rockets launched?

Going into space is not an easy job.

It takes years of training. Spacewalking is the most exciting work for astronauts.

They train for it by practicing working underwater, which is similar to how it feels to be in space.

Astronaut trainer

This person is an astronaut trainer. They help to guide the astronaut through their underwater tasks.

Space suit

Astronauts train in bulky, protective space suits. This helps the astronauts get used to wearing the suits before they go on real space walks.


Astronauts need to be fit and healthy, with good eyesight, to go into space. Many are also scientists or engineers.

Where else do astronauts train?

Vomit Comet

Astronauts can practice floating, just like in space, during flights in a special plane called a reduced-gravity aircraft. It is nicknamed the “Vomit Comet” as it makes some astronauts sick!

Virtual reality

Virtual reality is a digital world that is created by computers. Trainee astronauts wear virtual reality goggles and practice tasks before they go to space.