Science experiments you can do at home

It’s not difficult to make, the ingredients are easy to get, and the interesting results are what you will experience through 7 simple science experiments in this article .

Science seems to be dry and confusing things, but if you master the basic theory, you can completely perform interesting experiments at home.

The tests introduced in the article introduced by Business Insider use only common and easy-to-find materials and chemicals at chemical stores in the market. Besides, the method is also quite easy to do at home.

Science experiments you can do at home

You can make tornadoes inside a water bottle by taking advantage of the vortex principle by shaking the bottle vigorously and creating a bottleneck. All the necessary tools include two water bottles, a tube connecting the two bottles and water. To see the tornado better, you can add food coloring to the water.

Science experiments you can do at home

The experiment uses dyes and substance densities to create distinct layers of color that make you think of a rainbow of colors. To do this, you will have to add sugar to the cup. The color layer will be the top layer and the density between the color layers will create a certain interference like a rainbow.

Science experiments you can do at home

When you mix glue, water, a little color and add some borac, they create a special kind of plastic. The reason this mixture creates a plastic form is because the glue contains polyvinyl acetate (vinyl acetate), a liquid polymer. And borac has the ability to link polyvinyl acetate molecules to form larger polymers.

Science experiments you can do at home

You can completely create a special rocket engine out of yeast, hydrogen peroxide, glass jars, fire and … a piece of uncooked pasta.

When you mix yeast and hydrogen peroxide together, they react and produce Oxygen (O2) gas, also known as oxygen. When the O2 gas escapes through the pasta, you simply need to light a fire at the end of the pasta and the fire can explode like a real rocket engine.

Science experiments you can do at home

Alka-seltzer is a very effective remedy for heartburn or colic. However, they can even be used to make pretty cool homemade lava lamps. To make a homemade lava lamp, you will need water and cooking oil and an Alka-seltzer.

Since oil and water have different densities and polarities, when you mix them, the water settles to the bottom and the oil floats to the top. To get the best view of the water sinking to the bottom, you can add a little food coloring.

When an alka-seltzer pill is dropped, it reacts with water and causes color droplets to quickly spray up (bubble form) but due to the oil layer blocking the bubbles continue to sink to the bottom. This interesting reaction reminds you of the common lava lamp on the market.

Science experiments you can do at home

To turn water that quickly freezes into ice, this experiment will require a block of ice. That is the way to apply it with ordinary water when it contains particles and impurities. But with pure water, things are completely different. They can reach temperatures even lower than normal water before freezing.

Purified water can freeze and cool down to -40 degrees Celsius. If you put an unopened bottle of purified water in the refrigerator for less than 3 hours, it will even cool below freezing. normally.

Thanks to the application of this principle, you just need to pour this super cold water on a small block of ice, it will quickly turn into ice immediately.

Science experiments you can do at home

This interesting experiment will allow you to observe the magnetic field. All that is needed is iron oxide, water and a glass jar. When you place an extremely strong magnet on the outside of a glass bottle, the iron oxides inside the water will quickly be drawn up, stacked, and even move around the jar when you place the bar magnet on the outside. .o