Review of the terrifying prophecies of the prophet Nostradamus

The prophet Nostradamus had famous prophecies that shocked the world. The prophecies of Nostradamus are true, some are not, but they all make people pay attention. The prophet Nostradamus stated that his predictions about the future were based on the calculations of the planets and stars with the earth.

400 years after his death, he is still famous around the world thanks to a book written in 1555 called “Les Propheties”. Let’s review the amazingly true prophecies of this prophet.

The prophet Nostradamus (1503-1566) was a French pharmacist and seer. He is also known as the “servant of the devil ” because all of Nostradamus’ prophecies were not written in plain common language, but were written in metaphors, puns, or uses. Greek, Hebrew, Arabic, Italian… are difficult languages. It was a prudent choice because Nostradamus did not want to be accused of heresy, witchcraft, superstition…

During his lifetime, Nostradamus correctly predicted many disasters such as epidemics, earthquakes, wars, floods, droughts and skirmishes. Nostradamus fans have documented correctly predicted events in world history including: the French Revolution, World Wars I and II, the deaths of Napoleon, Hitler, Princess Diana and even is the scientific achievement of Apollo spacecraft to the moon…

Nostradamus claims that his predictions about the future are based on the calculations of the planets and stars with the earth. This originates from classical historians as well as from medieval chronicles.

Review of the terrifying prophecies of the prophet Nostradamus

In fact, many scholars believe that Nostradamus interpreted the end of the earth from ancient prophecies (mostly from the Bible), then through past astrological readings to predict the end of the world. report future events.

One of the first to be appalled by Nostradamus’ prophecy was Emperor Henry II of France. The 46-year-old king, seeing his health deteriorated, called Nostradamus into the palace to inquire about his fate, and received a prediction: “One day, your head will be pierced by a sharp object and that is the cause. cause people to die. That will happen in 10 years.”

He warned the king to avoid a duel. But in June 1559, ignoring Nostradamus’ warnings, King Henry II still engaged in a duel with the Count of Montgomery on his sister’s wedding day. The two opponents both wore shields embossed with lions and Montgomery was six years younger than Henry. During the game, a spear pierced the king’s face shield, pierced his eye, and impaled his temple. King Henry II died at the age of 51 after 10 days in a hospital bed.

Review of the terrifying prophecies of the prophet Nostradamus
Nostradamus correctly predicted the death of King Henry II.

That event was recorded in Nostradamus’s “Centuries ” published a year earlier

The fate of another emperor who lived two centuries later was also correctly guessed by Nostradamus as Napoleon – the man who was victorious but defeated in Russia , and then lost his kingship: Nostradamus’ verses clearly indicate: “The great emperor The age will begin with a low position / And quickly become great / When he gains supremacy / The defeated prince is exiled in Elba / Will return to Marseilles across the Gulf of Genoa / But not pass foreign powers / Although she escaped death, she still had to shed blood” .

Predicting the fire of London in 1666 , Nostradamus wrote: “The blood of justice will cover London / The city will burn in the year 66 / The Lady will lose her supremacy / And many places will be ruined”.

A great fire broke out in the English capital London in 1666. This is one of the rare prophecies of Nostradamus with a year specified. Even the most skeptic must admit the accuracy of this prediction. The fire burned 3/4 of London.

Hitler’s crimes, the atomic bombings of Nagasaki and Hirosima, the explosion of the US space shuttle in 1985, the assassination of US President Kennedy… are all said to be prophesied by Nostradamus in his poems.

In 1554, Nostradamus and he decided to devote all their energies to writing. He planned each book to consist of 10 chapters, each containing 100 predictions written in quartet form.

Review of the terrifying prophecies of the prophet Nostradamus
In the prophecies, predictions, He almost never specified the time and place of events.

In 1555, he published Les Prophéties (Prophecies), which included a large, enduring collection of his predictions. To avoid scrutiny, he devised a method to reduce the meaning of prophecies by using poetry and different languages such as Greek, Italian, Latin and Provencal, and several dialects. of the South of France.

He almost never specified the time and place of events, so no one could rely on his prophecies to predict what was to come. In most cases, one can only use them for contemplation after the event has taken place.

The book caused a lot of controversy, with some claiming that Nostradamus was a servant of the devil. Others thought he was a fake or amnesiac. However, there are still many people who believe that these prophecies come from the gods . Nostradamus became increasingly popular and respected by the Asian elite. Catherine de Medici, the wife of King Henri II of France, was one of Nostradamus’ biggest fans.

After reading the yearbook of 1555, seeing that poem number 35 implied an unnamed threat to her family, Catherine de Medici called Nostradamus to Paris to interpret and draw up her horoscope.

For the past 400 years, the prophecies of Michel de Nostradamus have puzzled scientists. Of his more than 1,000 predictions , more than half have come true. Nostradamus researchers said that he saw through the future of humanity until the year 7000, that according to him, in 3979, the Gobi desert will become the sea. It is only 2014, so humanity will have a lot of time to continue to contemplate the accuracy of his prophecies.