Qin Shi Huang's terracotta army all own monolid eyes: What's the mystery behind?

The entire terracotta army in the tomb of Qin Shi Huang has monolid eyes. Does this strange thing contain some mystery that we do not know?

Many experts believe that the wide face, upturned nose, and monolid eyes are the distinctive appearance features of the ancient Han people. The features such as double eyelids, high nose… are all thanks to mixing with other ethnic groups, so they are only available later.

Qin Shi Huang's terracotta army all own monolid eyes: What's the mystery behind?
The statues of soldiers and horses all had only one eyelid to accurately describe the appearance of the people of Qin at that time.

Meanwhile, the people of Qin Kingdom are said to possess the appearance characteristics of the Han people in the old period. Therefore, the fact that all soldiers and horses have only one eyelid is a true expression of the appearance characteristics of the people of Qin at that time.

Based on ancient paintings and statues, it is not difficult to see that the beauties in the period before the Tang and Song dynasties also had monolid eyes. Therefore, this can be considered a feature of the ancient Chinese.

In addition to the above explanation, many experts also believe that the statues of soldiers and horses in the Tan Thuy Hoang mausoleum complex were originally created to simulate real people, so possessing many different forms, of course there will be people with eyes. single eyelid and double eyelid.

Qin Shi Huang's terracotta army all own monolid eyes: What's the mystery behind?
The influence of the excavation process caused the color to fade, and the double eyelids also turned into a single eyelid.

However, the eyelids were painted by craftsmen at that time with pigments, so due to the influence of excavations and the ravages of time, these statues have undergone oxidation. causing the color to fade, double eyelids also turn into monolids.

This theory is also said to be valid, because there have been scholars who have proven that the statue of the horse was indeed colored, but it is only through time that the color fades.

In addition to the above two theories, there is another theory that in the process of sculpting, single eyelids are easier to make than double eyelids. Therefore, in order to speed up the creation process, shorten the time or cut the materials, the ancient craftsmen chose to make only one eyelid.

However, most opinions say that the probability of this hypothesis is extremely low, because the amount of materials to make double eyelids for these statues is also insignificant.

That is not to mention the strict surveillance process at that time, along with the notorious brutality of Qin Shi Huang. Therefore, it is almost impossible for the sculptors to risk their lives to do this.

Qin Shi Huang's terracotta army all own monolid eyes: What's the mystery behind?
In the process of sculpting, monolids are easier to make than double eyelids, so the ancient craftsman chose to make only one eyelid.

To this day, the reason why the statues found in the Tan Thuy Hoang tomb complex have only one eyelid remains a mystery.

Although there are many theories put forward to answer this mystery, it is all just speculation for posterity.

And must wait until the tomb of Tan Thuy Hoang is completely excavated, the above mystery may have a chance to be unraveled.