Proof that the US military can control the weather?

The US government is said to be working on a secret military project to control the weather, according to the Daily Star.

The video was posted by a passenger named Chang, on a domestic flight from Atlanta to Las Vegas, USA.

The plane passed through a storm and that’s when Chang noticed something unusual when he looked out the window.

Video shows a bright orange strip appearing in the middle of a storm. The video then abruptly ends, before the viewer gets a better perspective. Chang said his phone ran out of battery at that moment.

Proof that the US military can control the weather?
The mysterious phenomenon that passengers on an American plane recorded.

The video was widely shared on Youtube and attracted more than 550,000 views in just a few days.

Many viewers speculated what this strange phenomenon really was. One person commented: “Aliens are landing on Earth and causing that strange phenomenon”.

Others say that this is a secret US weather control project . The High-Frequency Aurora Operational Research Program (HARRP) is a research project in partnership with the Air Force, Navy, University of Alaska Fairbanks, and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).

HAARP is listed as “national security” and completely secret from domestic and foreign scientists.

Professor Michel Chossudovsky once said: “Recent scientific research has confirmed that HAARP is capable of generating rainstorms, tsunamis, earthquakes, and droughts.”

In recent years, whenever there is a strange natural phenomenon, people often blame the HAARP project of the US government.

But not everyone believes this, many others think that this is simply the sunlight creeping in the storm.