Professor Stephen Hawking will be buried next to Darwin and Newton

The ashes of the king of physics Stephen Hawking will be interred on Thanksgiving near the memorials of other famous scientists.

Bishop John Hall, abbot of Westminster Abbey in London, England, said Professor Stephen Hawking’s ashes will be buried here near the graves of Isaac Newton and Charles Darwin , Independent yesterday reported. “It makes perfect sense to bury Professor Stephen Hawking’s ashes at Westminster Abbey alongside other distinguished scientists. Sir Isaac Newton was buried there in 1727. Charles Darwin was buried next to Isaac Newton. 1882,” said Bishop Hall.

Professor Stephen Hawking will be buried next to Darwin and Newton
Westminster Abbey is the burial place of many famous scientists. (Photo: BBC).

“Other famous scientists are also buried or memorialized nearby. The most recent burial was held for two atomic physicists Ernest Rutherford in 1937 and Joseph John Thomson in 1940. We firmly believe science Science and religion can come together to find answers to great questions about the mysteries of life and the universe,” said Bishop Hall.

Professor Hawking died at his home in Cambridge, England, on March 14, aged 76. While his ashes are interred at Westminster Abbey, the funeral will take place on March 31 at Great St Mary’s Church, Cambridge. The funeral will be held privately, along with a memorial service later at Gonville & Caius College, where Professor Hawking spent more than 53 years. A welcome party will be held at Trinity College.

Professor Hawking’s family said the choice of the location for the funeral was a tribute to “the city he loved and where he was loved”. “Our father lived and worked in Cambridge for over 50 years. He was an integral part of the university and the city. For this reason, we decided to hold his funeral in this city.” , Professor Hawking’s children shared in an announcement.