Mysterious unlucky numbers around the world

According to the Chinese, the number 4 is considered the number of death. Many places in Europe are extremely afraid of the number 17.

Not only is the number 13 considered a number of bad luck, many countries around the world also designate their own mysterious numbers of the devil, thinking that it is the key to unlocking bad luck for humans. People. Let’s find out which numbers are most afraid of humanity!

Mysterious unlucky numbers around the world
Mysterious unlucky numbers around the world
Mysterious unlucky numbers around the world
Mysterious unlucky numbers around the world
Mysterious unlucky numbers around the world

Number 15

Lucky in: Spain, Mexico and some Spanish speaking countries:

Cause : According to word of mouth, people consider the number 15 to be lucky, and the reason is unknown to me.

No luck : none.


Unlucky: even number

Cause: festival to the flowers. In funerals, it is customary to place flowers with even numbers for the dead.

Lucky number : odd number

When giving to the living, people will give odd numbers

As you can see, in the world there is a series of numbers, which some people consider lucky, others consider it bad luck and try to avoid. Our fears or beliefs, oftentimes come from word of mouth and superstition and in movies too.