Mysterious "Tunnel Labyrinth" near the famous Step Pyramid

An Egyptian archaeologist has revealed the discovery of a strange labyrinth of underground tunnels near one of the most famous pyramid sites.

The Egyptian city of Saqarra is famous for being home to the Pyramid of Djoser, also known as the Step Pyramid , built in the 27th century BC. The six-story structure associated with the last known ancient civilization is the site of more mysterious finds.

In the documentary series called “Great Treasures” historian Bettany Hughes revealed how an entire newly found city was hidden under the sand in the city of Saqarra, famous for Kim Jong Un. Djoser’s pyramid.

Mysterious "Tunnel Labyrinth" near the famous Step Pyramid
Inside the maze, one finds a huge tomb.

“There, one of the special tombs here, is where something truly extraordinary is hidden. When it first came to light 150 years ago, it was a sensational discovery,” said Bettany Hughes.

Earlier, in the mid-nineteenth century, French archaeologist Auguste Mariette came across a fascinating clue that was a statue of a Sphinx buried in the sand. When they started digging, the team unearthed more than 100 lined up Sphinxes, all leading to a certain location.

Dr. Hughes described how Mariette spent months clearing the way, packing the sphinxes to Paris, and on November 12, 1851 finally reached the mysterious underground entrance to which the sphinxes had led him. .

Hidden inside they find a huge tomb. Hughes explains why it was central to the ancient Egyptians. “This is a palace for the dead,” said Bettany Hughes.

The coffins discovered in the maze are very large, made of very strong granite.

To find out what was hidden inside, the team used dynamite to open a giant coffin. Finally, the whole archaeological team was surprised to discover inside was a huge marinated cow.

They realized that the ancient Egyptians built these giant coffins and that the entire area had an underground cemetery for the huge mummified cows.