Living in fear because of finding a gem block of nearly 7,000 billion VND

Although the emerald block was discovered a long time ago, until now, the owner still does not dare to reveal where it is hidden.

A large emerald has just been discovered in a gem mine in Brazil. Once discovered, this stone block is protected in a secret location. The owner who found the gem said he was living in fear due to fear of being kidnapped, blackmailed and armed robbers.

Living in fear because of finding a gem block of nearly 7,000 billion VND
Gemstone fragments are on the black stone slab.

The owner, who asked not to be named, said that such a gem is rare because of the size and quality of the crystals. Getting the rock out of the ground requires a large forklift, but a robbery is still possible. The reason is that criminal gangs in Brazil can attack and carry many bold weapons.

This emerald, weighing 360kg, was found a month ago near the Carnaiba mine . This is a place of mineral exploration in Bahia Northeastern Brazil. The owner added that he did not dare to reveal anything about the location of the stone block and now has to pay to keep it safe.

According to this person, the stone is moved regularly to ensure safety and protection from armed people. He did not dare to risk keeping the stone where it was found for fear that it might endanger his life.

Living in fear because of finding a gem block of nearly 7,000 billion VND
The stone block weighs about 360kg.

There are only about 2 gems in the world with such good crystal quality.

Currently, the person who found the stone block is doing the paperwork and procedures to perfect the ownership. He said that this stone block is jade with excellent quality that he has seen during his 30 years as a miner. Experts predict that inside the stone block can contain 180.00 carats of emerald crystals with a value of 238 million pounds (nearly 7,700 billion dong).