Learn about sunrise and sunset

Sunrise and sunset are two short but beautiful moments in one day. In fact, not everyone understands this concept and what is the difference between them? The following article will bring you the simplest and easiest to understand concepts about sunrise and sunset.

Dawn or (dawn) occurs before sunrise. It is noted with the presence of faint rays from the Sun, while the Sun is still below the horizon.

Learn about sunrise and sunset
Dawn at Cua Lo, Vietnam.

Dawn should not be confused with sunrise, which is the time when the upper edge of the Sun appears above the horizon.

Learn about sunrise and sunset
A sunset scene.

Sunset, also known as dusk, dusk, twilight, twilight, darkening of the face … are phrases to refer to a period of time from right after sunset until it is completely dark. (evening). It is a concept associated with the apparent position of the Sun below the horizon.

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