Albert Einstein once said, “If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.”
This also spawns a reverse advice: If you want to understand something, try to explain it simply.
When you explain a concept in simple terms, you quickly realize how well you understand it. You will also immediately determine which knowledge you are missing. Because they are the part where you get stuck or forced to use complicated language and terminology.
This is also the idea of the Feynman Method .
This is a simple method but will help you study and research more effectively.
The method is named after the Nobel Prize-winning physicist Richard Feynman , an outstanding scientist. He is also known as The Great Explainer for his ability to explain complex ideas to others in a simple and intuitive way. The Feynman technique is a way to quickly learn and review concepts by explaining them in simple, easy-to-understand language.
In addition to helping you identify problems in the area you want to study, the Feynman method also helps you define learning goals. This is a simple method but will help you study and research more effectively.
So how can you apply this technique?
When a person with no professional knowledge can read and understand what you write, then you have succeeded.