If this event hadn't happened, humans wouldn't have appeared on Earth

Even dinosaurs and other animals too. All that exists is a single-celled organism.

How animals appeared and evolved are still mysteries that baffle scientists. However, it seems that we have finally solved this mystery, through the discovery of the Australian National University.

Basically, life has been forming on Earth for billions of years. But before that time 650 million years ago, that life was mainly bacteria, viruses and other basic multicellular organisms. It was only when an event of unprecedented magnitude happened that everything began to change.

If this event hadn't happened, humans wouldn't have appeared on Earth
Life on Earth was once made up of bacteria and single-celled organisms.

Accordingly, the team of experts found evidence that an ice age occurred 700 million years ago , turning the Earth into a giant snowball for 50 million years.

When the ice age ended, creatures trapped in the ice poured out into the sea and new oceans formed. This process created conditions for green algae to grow extremely strongly, thereby laying the foundation for the evolution, which later became terrestrial animals.

Specifically, the team examined the rock layer in Central Australia – dating from 650 years ago, and they found algae molecules from ancient times.

“Before the Earth developed into what it is today, there was a very terrible event that turned our planet into a snowball for 50 million years,” said Associate Professor Jochen Brock, who led the study. .

If this event hadn't happened, humans wouldn't have appeared on Earth
Evolution has received proper support to create a more complex ecosystem.

“The ice has stored a huge mountain of nutrients, and when the ice melts, the river washes it all out into the sea.”

According to Professor Brocks, that huge amount of nutrients, combined with the warming Earth’s temperature, created an ideal condition for life to develop explosively, creating more complex life forms.

“Like a huge source of energy, evolution has received the right support to create a more complex ecosystem, which later forms animals and humans,” said Dr Brocks.

In addition, Dr. Amber Jarrrett – co-author of the study also shared: “We realized we had made a great discovery . The frozen Earth for 50 million years was the key to the complex development of life. like nowadays”.

If this event hadn't happened, humans wouldn't have appeared on Earth
The frozen earth is the key.

The study was published in the journal Nature.