How is the city "without the sun" for 40 days?

For 40 days from December 2 to January 11, the sun did not rise in this city. So how will the lives of the people and visitors here be?

Murmansk is a city in northwestern Russia, the largest city in the world located on the Arctic Circle as well as some provinces in Norway, Finland or Alaska (USA). The city is located on the side of Kola Bay, an area of the Barents Sea. This is an important port with an ice-free harbor.

How is the city "without the sun" for 40 days?
Life in the city knows no sunlight for dozens of days.

Due to the extreme cold weather, this place has just over 300,000 residents, equivalent to the number of tourists coming here every year. From the city of Murmansk, visitors can reach the North Pole by boat with a distance of 2000 km.

How is the city "without the sun" for 40 days?
Life goes on as usual, unchanged.

Due to its location within the Arctic Circle, on winter days the sun does not appear in Murmansk. So life here is turned upside down without the sun?

Following photographer Amos Chapple from New Zealand, he had the opportunity to visit Murmansk on winter days, with the weather at -13 degrees Celsius. Despite the harshness of the weather, people’s lives still go on. as usual. And photographer Chapple is impressed with the many architectural works in the city, and the people are especially friendly.

How is the city "without the sun" for 40 days?
On most days of the year, it is always snowy in Murmansk.

The winter in Murmansk is often long, Chapple said. Therefore, most months of the year, this area is always covered with white snow. Residents are friendly but live sparsely. They live in typical Nordic houses.

How is the city "without the sun" for 40 days?
A contemplative customer enjoys a beer in a shop.

Despite living in darkness for many days without sunlight, Murmansk is still the most beautiful place to see the aurora borealis in Russia. On cloudy days, lucky visitors can admire the aurora borealis in the sky.

And also because of the long winter, people in Murmansk know how to attract tourists with many games such as riding motorbikes across ice mountains, snowy deserts, experiencing many games only in cold countries…

How is the city "without the sun" for 40 days?
The blizzard did not deter a man walking through the center of Murmansk.

How is the city "without the sun" for 40 days?
This city is the best place to see the aurora borealis in Russia.

How is the city "without the sun" for 40 days?
Heavy snowfall caused the car to be “buried”.

How is the city "without the sun" for 40 days?
Despite the cold outside, inside a disco in the city center is still bustling.