Going from one surprise to another with all the wonderful things about all things

Spiders keep frogs as pets; human teeth are as strong as shark teeth; the cost of making a coin is more expensive than it is worth… and many more interesting facts are waiting for you to discover!

The connection between blood and… a dead star

Going from one surprise to another with all the wonderful things about all things

Hemoglobin’s main job is to capture oxygen for red blood cells to transport throughout the body.

Interesting Laws in Switzerland

Going from one surprise to another with all the wonderful things about all things

If you want to keep guinea pigs in this country, you will have to own at least 2 so they won’t be lonely

Spiders also know how to keep pets

Going from one surprise to another with all the wonderful things about all things

This is a special relationship between the frog Chiasmocleis ventrimaculata and the spider Xenesthis immanis living in southeastern Peru, because many other species of frogs are still the food of this spider.

Amazing connections between familiar plants

Going from one surprise to another with all the wonderful things about all things

Specifically, almonds and peaches both belong to the rose family (Rosaceae).

How healthy are our teeth?

Going from one surprise to another with all the wonderful things about all things

Based on the results of composition and structure analysis, scientists have concluded: Human teeth are probably equivalent to those of some shark species.

How much do whales eat?

Going from one surprise to another with all the wonderful things about all things

Whales feed by swallowing large gulps of water, this suction pulls in their food (small creatures), the water is then ejected while the prey is filtered inside.

The truth about bird vision

Going from one surprise to another with all the wonderful things about all things

Coins are not cheap!

Going from one surprise to another with all the wonderful things about all things

Psychological tactics of food companies

Going from one surprise to another with all the wonderful things about all things