Eskimo women's custom of sleeping with strangers

Eskimo women are dark-skinned, very strong and often hold the position of head of the family. All Eskimo men believe that the women of their people are the best. That is why Eskimos rarely have a marriage relationship with people of other ethnicities.

In the life of the Eskimos, the male-female relationship plays an important role, especially in winter, which lasts up to 8 months.

Eskimo women in Chukotka (autonomous region of the Russian Federation) and Alaska (USA) are willing to sleep with strangers with the consent of their husbands to show hospitality. This custom has existed since time immemorial and is maintained to this day, not by the dictates of lust, but by the harsh conditions of nature. Women give birth to many children, but not all of them survive.

Eskimo women's custom of sleeping with strangers
Asian and American Eskimos do not have the concept of “virginity”.

The Eskimos do not have a strict conception of sexual relations. Women of all ages, social status, and physical appearance receive the love of many men. The concept of virginity also does not exist, the “virgin” woman to them is simply “never used a man” . Eskimos do not poke their noses into other people’s private affairs and do not gossip behind their backs.

Eskimo women's custom of sleeping with strangers
Eskimo women’s naatsit pants.

The world’s first panties probably appeared on the island of Greenland. The Eskimos living on this ice island have long worn “naatsit” – small underwear made from the short, sleek fur of seals. This type of clothing is worn by women as summer clothes, the main purpose of which is to conquer the hearts of men. To make these pants even more attractive, women adorned them with red, white and yellow beads.

Today, we rarely see an Eskimo with a tattoo, but about 50-70 years ago, the facial and body drawings of northern women were highly valued.

Anthropologist Sergei Rudenko once described this interesting phenomenon in the scientific work “Tattoos of Asian Eskimos” . Accordingly, in 1945, most of the women of this ethnic group had tattoos. That makes men find them very attractive. Rudenko says that tattoos are created not only on the torso but also on the face of women. Eskimos also draw on the chin, cheeks, and corners of the mouth.

Eskimo women's custom of sleeping with strangers
The drawings on the faces and bodies of Eskimo women are highly regarded.

Patterns depend on the area in which the woman lives. On the coast from Cape Chaplin to the settlement of Sirenik, women of the Chukchi peninsula have the most intricate tattoos and cover their entire faces. These lines run from the eyes along the nose to the chin and down the hand. On the forehead above the eyebrows there are “crow’s feet” , on the cheeks there are intricately intertwined jewelry.

Mr. Rudenko revealed that such tattoos are made not only for beauty. They are considered amulets against diseases and help women during childbirth.

Tattoos are made for girls before marriage, and it will be difficult for women to find a good partner without tattoos. The drawings are tattooed in a special way. They used a thread rubbed with soot and then stretched under the skin. This procedure is painful, but the ladies endure it because it brings beauty and family happiness.

The Eskimos of Alaska (Inuit) have tattoos in the form of stripes on their chin, forehead, and cheeks. Women here also tattoo lines on their hands and arms. Sometimes, in addition to the lines there are also more intricate patterns, like ovals, V-shaped like whale tails and tridents.

People in some areas of Chukotka and Alaska still get tattoos today, mostly among older women. Modern Eskimo girls no longer follow ancient traditions. And if tattooed, they like decorative themes that are popular with young people all over the world.

Piercing is quite common in Chukotka, Taimyr and Alaska as well as some Indian tribes in North America since ancient times. Usually, women wear makeup in a way that pierces their nose, lips, and even cheeks.

Traditional piercing jewelry in the North is called “labret” , which is made from the bones of sea animals and from stones. In 2016, archaeologist Danila Lysenko found in the Taimyr area two small stone cats used to wear on cheeks and lips. Similar jewels were also found in Kamchatka.

Many visitors in the first half of the 20th century also mentioned the Eskimo women’s custom of wearing mammoth or walrus fur hats.

Eskimo women's custom of sleeping with strangers
In the Eskimo family, women are taller and stronger than men.

The Eskimos lived for centuries in very difficult conditions, fighting to survive every day. This has affected the attitudes of these ethnic groups towards women. Asian and American Eskimo men always choose strong and resilient women to marry. The thin and sick Eskimo woman hardly had a good marriage and most often they had to work on the farm.

Many Eskimo stories and legends tell of strong women, able to move sleds with one hand, carrying a spear and knife to hunt polar bears or walruses.

In the Eskimo family, women are taller and stronger than men. This is normal since most of the hard work is done by them, while the husband is engaged in hunting, fishing and trading.