Discover interesting things about rain

Rain contains many interesting things that not everyone knows, such as not all rain is formed from water.

Rain is a form of condensation of water vapor when encountering cold conditions, rain has forms such as drizzle, showers, hail, other forms such as snow, sleet, dew.

Rain is produced when various water droplets fall to the Earth’s surface from clouds. Not all of the rain is able to reach the surface, some is evaporated on the way down by passing through dry air, creating another form of condensation. Rain plays an important role in the precipitation. hydrological cycle in which water from the oceans (and other areas containing water) evaporates, condensing into clouds in the troposphere by cooling, when the clouds are heavy enough, water will fall back to Earth, forming rain, then water can seep into the ground or follow rivers to the sea to continue repeating the transport cycle.

Clouds form when a hot air mass meets a cold air mass. Normally, the hot air mass will be pushed higher than the cold air mass. At that time, condensation of water vapor begins to occur, forming raindrops.

Discover interesting things about rain
The raindrops become flat like a hamburger when they collide with other raindrops on their way to the ground. (Photo: Mylyan-Monastyrska/Shutterstock).

Before raindrops fall to the Earth’s surface, the upward movement of hot air continues to propel them upward. This process repeats several times during a thunderstorm, causing the raindrops to grow larger (even forming ice particles if hail occurs). The raindrop eventually falls to the ground when its density is greater than that of the cloud in which it formed, or because of an upward movement of hot gas that disintegrates.

The size and gravity of Venus is similar to that of Earth. However, the similarities between these two planets stop here. Venus is the hottest planet in the Solar System with an average temperature of about 500°C. Surrounding Venus are clouds of mercury, ferric chloride hydrocarbon and sulfuric acid, creating the most corrosive acid rain in the solar system.

We can predict relative rainfall without looking at mobile weather apps. The two most common types of clouds that cause precipitation are stratocumulus clouds (Nimbostratus) and cumulus clouds (Cumulonimbus). Heliotropic clouds are usually black, gray and at low altitudes. If this type of cloud is visible, then a prolonged downpour is about to happen. A cumulus cloud is a thunderstorm cloud that has the shape of a mountain or tower, with a dark bottom. This type of cloud produces hail and tornadoes.

Discover interesting things about rain
In fact, raindrops are spherical as they form.

Books, TV shows, and weather channels often illustrate raindrops in the shape of a drop of water. In fact, raindrops are spherical as they form. Then, they become flat like a hamburger when they collide with other raindrops on their way to the ground.

In hot and dry places, rain even evaporates before reaching the ground.

Environmentalist Edward Abbey describes the phenomenon this way: “You see rain falling from the sky while life on the ground is withering from lack of water. This is nature’s tantrum with life squirming because of the lack of underground water. Then the clouds cleared, and all hope was lost.”