Can only be Japan: Trains can fake the sounds of dogs and deer to prevent accidents

The Japanese are known for their sophistication and creativity, and this is one of the proofs that this point is absolutely true.

All the trains in the world seem to care only about their sole task of transporting goods and passengers from point A to point B.

But in Japan, there are special trains with extremely strange features – they can bark like a dog and call like a deer.

It sounds a bit odd, but after listening to this story, you will be sure to say why the Japanese are so delicate, thoughtful and creative!

Can only be Japan: Trains can fake the sounds of dogs and deer to prevent accidents
Trains in Japan bark like dogs and call like deer.

Everyone knows that the fact that animals, specifically deer in Japan, suddenly running across the railway can cause serious accidents.

According to officials, train crashes with deer are a big problem in Japan. Not only does it cause delays, but it also injures deer severely, to death. In fact, in 2016 there were 613 trains that were temporarily suspended or delayed due to deer.

Therefore, the Railway Technical Research Institute (RTRI) in Japan has decided to equip trains traveling in areas where many deer live with the sound of barking dogs and alarming snorts of deer.

Because deer are inherently frightened and will run away when they hear dogs barking, the researchers tested the idea of playing a deer snort sound for 3 seconds, followed by a dog barking for 20 seconds on a morning train. early, late at night. This is the time when deer run through the tracks the most.

As a result, when the sound was emitted, the number of times that the crew members saw deer around the track was 7.5 times per 100km, a reduction of up to 45%.

Can only be Japan: Trains can fake the sounds of dogs and deer to prevent accidents
The reason deer keep getting close to the train tracks is because they lick the tracks.

The reason deer keep getting close to train tracks is because they lick the tracks – as a way to add iron to their diet.

In the past, many methods have been applied such as placing obstacles, lion dung… to prevent deer from approaching the railway, but it was not effective.

With this new device, things seem to be getting better. An RTRI official shared that, if the device works, they hope to complete the system to operate in the mountains, where the railway company wants to expand so that it can not harm the customers. creatures that live there.