Amazing facts in world history

There are many strange and unbelievable events that have happened in history such as the Sahara desert once snowed, people used medicine made from human corpses…

Amazing facts in world history
In 1979, snow fell in the Sahara Desert – an unprecedented phenomenon. This is considered one of the strangest events in history.

Amazing facts in world history
According to statistics, the number of deaths in the Auschwitz concentration camp was greater than the total number of casualties in the US and UK combined during World War II.

Amazing facts in world history
It is estimated that about 100 billion people have died throughout human history.

Amazing facts in world history
From 1814 to 1830, the flag of France had only one color, white.

Amazing facts in world history
The average life expectancy of the people of ancient Egypt was 20 – 30.

Amazing facts in world history
More than 1 million Europeans were captured and sold as slaves to North Africa between 1530 and 1780.

Amazing facts in world history
The Aztecs sacrificed 1% of their population each year to the gods. It is estimated that the number of people sacrificed each year is about 250,000.

Amazing facts in world history
In the 16th – 17th centuries, Europeans including aristocrats, priests, scientists used medicines made from human bones, fat as a panacea that can cure all diseases. from headaches to epilepsy.

Amazing facts in world history
Oxford University has a larger and older history than the Aztec civilization.

Amazing facts in world history
In the Middle Ages, castration was considered a strange, toxic method to treat hernias, epilepsy and leprosy.

Amazing facts in world history
The ancient Egyptian slaves and servants were extremely scared every time their ruler died. The reason is that if the ruler dies, they can be chosen to be buried alive with the master. This shocking fact made many people shocked and shivered with fear. The ancient Egyptians believed that by doing so, the deceased would have a full life, be served by servants like when he was alive when he went to the afterlife.

Amazing facts in world history
The famous Greek philosopher Gorgias was born inside his mother’s coffin. This story originates from the burial of Gorgias’ mother – who was pregnant – after she was presumed dead. However, while the burial was in progress, people heard the cry of a child in the coffin. Thanks to that, Gorgias was fortunate to be saved and became an outstanding character.

Amazing facts in world history
In ancient times, Japanese samurai would commit suicide (Seppuku) – a form of martyrdom to protect the honor of the warrior who refused to surrender to the enemy or live in disgrace. Seppuku was also used as punishment for samurai who committed crimes. Those who feel ashamed can also perform this ritual to regain their honor.

Amazing facts in world history
Queen Elizabeth II is related to Prince Vlad III Dracula, also known as Vlad Tepes, Tepes means “skewer”. This is the prototype of the vampire Count Dracula in the horror novel of the same name due to his cruel, barbaric nature.

Amazing facts in world history
Animals often avoid power lines because they are afraid of ultraviolet rays that cannot be seen by the human eye. By the way, of all the mammals in the world, only humans and monkeys cannot see ultraviolet light.

Amazing facts in world history
Victims rescued from the sinking of the Titanic were not only human. Temporarily ignoring topical questions, it is little known that, in addition to 706 people out of a total of 2,200 passengers who were rescued, there were 10 dogs on the Titanic at this time and 3 of them were lucky to be carried by the owner. Follow the lifeboat. They are all small dogs, including 2 squirrels – pomeranian and 1 Pekingese – Pekingese.