The mysterious metal block in Australia has disappeared. Authorities had previously found on this metal block the coordinates of 3 different locations and did not seem to have a specific connection.
The 3m high metal block found in Adelaide, South Australia state on December 10, has disappeared, Sputniks reported on December 13.
Metal block found in Australia. (Photo: Sputnik).
As in previous cases, the origin of the metal block in Australia remains a mystery. However, authorities have found on this metal block the coordinates of 3 different locations and there seems to be no specific connection.
The first coordinate, engraved at the top, is the location of Trump Tower in New York City. The second coordinate is believed to be an uninhabited island in the Northern Mariana Islands. The last coordinate is the location of the sphinx in the Giza desert, Egypt.
Onkaparigna city authorities said they have investigated the appearance and disappearance of the metal block. It is not clear whether the disappearance of the metal block is related to curious residents.
The first strange metal block was discovered in the desert in Wyoming, USA at the end of November. This discovery quickly attracted the attention of international public opinion, leading to theories ranging from aliens to aliens. PR campaigns of artists.
To date, many strange metal blocks have also been discovered in remote areas in dozens of countries across continents.